How very Machiavellian of you.Use a club, attack them from behind when they aren't looking, hurt them, they will think twice next time.
Never do your enemy a small injury
Nicollo Machiavelli
How very Machiavellian of you.Use a club, attack them from behind when they aren't looking, hurt them, they will think twice next time.
Never do your enemy a small injury
Nicollo Machiavelli
I don't know from Machiavellian but I do know that the only way to stop a bully is to make it hard on them any way you can.How very Machiavellian of you.
They are pack animals and should be treated as such. Animals don't understand, nor care about consequences until they're on the receiving end. It's time to bring back reform schools. If the vast majority of offenders are of a certain persuasion, it's a warning sign, not prejudice. They've earned their position through their own actions and should be held accountable. If you aren't held responsible and punished for your antisocial deeds, where is the deterrent?A big problem that is in schools these days (far from the days of most posters on this forum) is that it is no longer a 1 on 1 scenario. Usually, these bullies run in packs. It is not considered cowardice any more to have 5 of your friends beat up on a weaker kid.