Maryland to End Free Rides Across Bay Bridge


New Member
garyt27 said:
Perhaps you would rather have the Md. T/A Police setting up seat belt violations patrol, Someone not wearing a seatbelt doesn't cause wrecks. :smack: see the point is, these people are already on the payroll, It's NOT their jobs to drive dolts afraid of bridges!! :buttkick: Now my brother does not swerve to miss a squirrel and then cause an accident but there are people who do, should we take them off the roads, YES!!! better yet, take everyone off rhe roads and and give them over to you Mr. Nascar race car pro?YES!!! Then I could weed out the good from the bad!!
Gary, come back when you can make a valid point ok??

And your karma to me about people afraid of heights having to fly, well they PAY to fly!!!! :duh:


New Member
Maryland to End Free Ri... 08-27-2006 10:00 AM you're really getting on my nerves with your posts and comments. Go find a lady and screw

Thanks for the green!! Sorry bout your nerves though!! :killingme


New Member
Gephyrophobia-The fear of crossing a bridge. Sometimes coupled with a fear of heights, the fear of crossing bridges is more specifically about structures made by human hands. Those with anxieties over bridges are often also afraid of lookout towers, roller coasters, etc.
I am sensitive to folks w/phobias but, there is treatment available. :whistle: