Mascots gone wild


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
It seems a fan that was trying to get the attention of the team's mascot was misunderstood. Listen and you be the judge. Of course it's being reported as being a racial slur directed at the batter. This is the result of the president saying white supremacy is the greatest threat to the country.

You can't make this crap up. What a hum dinger of a story. Good thing Jussie Smolett wasn't batting.

The Colorado Rockies are investigating an incident in Sunday’s game during which a fan hurled a racial slur at Miami Marlins outfielder Lewis Brinson during his at-bat.

The slur was audible during the ninth inning of the game’s broadcast, where the fan can be heard yelling the N-word at the top of his lungs twice at the batter.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I feel sorry for that guy because now he has a huge bullseye on his back from the Left, regardless of the truth.



Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
I feel sorry for that guy because now he has a huge bullseye on his back from the Left, regardless of the truth.

So, where is the profuse public apology on all Rockies media, social and news? They should be falling over each other to fully acknowledge they jumped the gun, and that fan will get a bunch of free tickets to future games.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
So, where is the profuse public apology on all Rockies media, social and news? They should be falling over each other to fully acknowledge they jumped the gun, and that fan will get a bunch of free tickets to future games.

That would certainly go a long way toward making amends.


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
So, where is the profuse public apology on all Rockies media, social and news? They should be falling over each other to fully acknowledge they jumped the gun, and that fan will get a bunch of free tickets to future games.
Sadly today the default setting is something sinister. Instead of getting more facts, the mob creates a narrative that fits their agenda. That agenda being white supremacy in this case.

In every case recently, it's been white people bad. Smollet, Covington high school, dorm room Karens, etc. Doesn't matter what the issue is, blame racism first.