Mass Shootings


American Beauty
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Half Moon Bay used to be a sleepy little hamlet. We went for pumpkins and Christmas tress when I was a kid. And horseback riding on the beach. I guess it's now big city life and crime.
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7 Chinese Farm Workers Killed in Two Related Shootings in Northern California

The shootings occurred at Mountain Mushroom Farm and Concord Farms, about 30 miles from San Francisco. Police received a call about an active shooter at around 2:20 p.m. local time and responded to Concord Farms, where they found four victims deceased as the result of gunshot wounds, and one critically injured. That individual was transported to Stanford Medical Center with life-threatening injuries.

The second shooting happened less than three miles away at Concord Farms, where police discovered three additional victims who had died from gunshot wounds. The victims were all Chinese farm workers, according to Councilmember Debbie Ruddock.

The suspect, who has been identified as 67-year-old Half Moon Bay resident Zhao Chunli, was apprehended without incident after police discovered him in his vehicle in the nearby parking lot of the sheriff’s office substation. Police say he was in possession of a semi-automatic handgun when he was taken into custody.

Don't let Chinese have guns . :rolleyes:


PREMO Member
The Latest Shooting in Tenn

1. Biden calls for more Gun Control
2. Tues 28th of March - Today show get its sound bite mayor dismissing gun owners
2. Story will vanish - Shooter is a Trans - Pissed off people would not ' accept ' it
3. Weapons Legally Purchased - means the shooter passed a back ground check
4. The shooter now 28, has been holding a grudge for at least 10 yrs ...
5. Will the Media and Anti Gunners make excuses for a Trans committing Anti-Christian Terrorist Attack because Christians want to ' erase ' trans people

13 school shootings since January - basically 1 per week - How Many Are GANG RELATD Shootings ... the media doesn't report the details only :cds: School Shootings
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ABC’s Terry Moran Appears to Blame Today’s Nashville School Mass Shooting by “Transgender” on Republican Lawmakers Who Oppose Transgender Surgery for Minors

The Biden regime immediately responded to the horrific shooting by bashing Republicans and demanding gun control, including a ban on so-called “assault weapons.”

Now the corporate media has started to blame the right. ABC’s Terry Moran on Monday night had the audacity to blame the mass shooting on recently-signed legislation by Republicans in Tennessee banning puberty blockers and gender reassignment surgery for minors

So Trans Persons are going to go around shooting Christians for Opposing Surgery for Children, and Drag Queen Shows

Trans are mentally unstable EVERY Trans Person should be red flagged and have any weapons taken away immediately



PREMO Member

Trans Nashville shooter is seen firing through door of private Christian school before stalking corridors with rifle as she prepared to kill three kids and three school workers

  • Audrey Hale, 28, used to be a student at The Covenant school in Nashville: on Monday, Hale attacked the school, shooting dead three children and three staff
  • Cops said Hale, born female, was transgender - although they didn't specify details: they said 'resentment at having to attend the school' was a factor
  • Nashville police on Monday evening released footage of the attack showing Hale shooting through the glass door and then stalking the corridors

Audrey Hale, 28, opened fire at a Nashville school on Monday, killing six



PREMO Member

Cops share snap of school door Nashville shooter blasted to gain entry and car she drove to scene with plans inside, as it's revealed murdered head of school worked there alongside her daughter

'I think I just lost my daughter': Anguished words of transgender Nashville shooter's mom, as her Facebook posts decrying school shootings and calling for gun control emerge

  • Norma Hale made multiple posts in support of gun control on social media
  • Police released security video of daughter Audrey carrying out the shooting
  • Other social posts show pride in her family and daughter's artistic talent


PREMO Member

NEVER an Explanation on how these enhanced measures would reduce Shootings since MOST are with Pistols and Gang Related


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Police Reveal 'Detailed Manifesto' to Nashville Attack, Yet Media Shamefully Try to Blame People on Right

As we reported earlier there was a horrible mass shooting at a Christian elementary school in Nashville. Six people were killed in the attack, three were children. The shooter was taken out by the police.

A trans person, Audrey Hale, has been identified as the shooter. We may find that the story disappears quickly because of that. The police are working on theories for the shooting. As we noted there was a manifesto. The police are now giving some information about that. They’re saying that it was a detailed manifesto to attack the academy, that there were maps, and that Hale was planning more than what happened.

“We have a manifesto, we have some writings that we’re going over that pertain to this day,” Nashville police chief John Drake said about the discovery.
He added that Hale was “prepared to do more harm than was actually done.”
Drake said police are looking into whether Hale’s identity as a trans person played a role in the deadly shooting, with investigators coming up with theories based on their findings.

So it sure sounds like Hale was targeting the Christian school.

But the media is already working the spin even before all the facts are known. Even if the attacker might be trans, it is somehow and always the fault of people on the right.

Check out this tweet from Benjamin Ryan, a “health and science reporter” who is a contributor to many liberal media publications such as The Guardian, the NY Times, Washington Post, The Atlantic, and NBC News. He appears to somehow blame the Daily Wire, their people, and the hub of “anti-trans” activity in the Nashville area.



PREMO Member

Press Make Absolutely Horrific Move in Dealing With the Psychotic Transgender Shooter

But as the aftermath of the tragedy played out, the national press latched onto what was really important: Ensuring that the “right” pronouns are used to describe the murderous psychopath.

Truly, this is one of the worst things I’ve ever seen the news media do, and I have to make sure and temper myself as I finish this article so as to not lose my mind in anger in the process.

To recap, we have a deranged transgender lunatic that was pretty obviously radicalized by far-left talk of “genocide” being committed by those on the right, and The New York Times, MSNBC, and other outlets are laser-focused on making sure we don’t “misgender” the shooter. It’s hard to not want to put my head through a wall right now.

Let me be clear for the press hacks who don’t seem to understand basic reality. This shooter is a woman. The fact that this woman was mentally ill and believed she was a man does not mean we all need to bend over backward to respect her delusions. Six innocent people, including three children, are dead, and we are talking about “misgendering” and pronouns. That’s one of the most despicable things I’ve ever seen in the political sphere, of which this shooting is firmly ensconced given its motivation.

I just don’t believe most Americans are looking at this and not rolling their eyes at best or seething in anger at worst. The Democratic Party and its press allies have created an environment where mentally ill people are “affirmed” instead of being given the help they need and then they want us to play by their rules when one of those mentally ill people lashes out and commits an atrocity.


PREMO Member

If the mentally ill ’mustn’t own guns,’ what about ‘trans’ people?

The timing of the tragic Nashville shooting, in which a MUSS (Made-up Sexual Status, aka “transgender”) individual killed six at a Christian school, is a bit odd. National Public Radio had just recently done a piece on how MUSS and other “LGBTQ” people are buying guns because, the story goes, they believe they’re imperiled by conservatives. As one sexual devolutionary NPR quoted put it,

“If the world is dangerous, then you have to be dangerous back, and that very much has pushed me into where I am now.”


The media hide Hale’s MUSS status because, if they didn’t, you just might suspect the shooting could’ve been an anti-Christian hate crime.

Second, it might occur to some people that maybe, just perhaps, society has more to fear from MUSS individuals than they do from society.

This is reality, too. Contrary to media myth and as I reported in 2020, studies have shown that MUSS individuals are less likely to be murdered than normal people are and are more likely to kill than be killed. (They’re also overrepresented among pedophiles.) This raises a question, given “Red Flag” laws’ popularity:

Do we need Rainbow Flag laws?

For the record, I’m skeptical of such legislation, to say the least, and know that removal of Second Amendment rights is not the real remedy for crime. The issue, though, is hypocrisy.

Red Flag laws have been sold with the idea that guns “must be kept from the mentally ill’s hands.” We’ve heard this continually. Yet how, then, does it make sense giving a whole category of mentally ill individuals a special dispensation from this prohibition by reclassifying their psychological disorder as an “identity” or “lifestyle choice”?
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Well-Known Member
The Latest Shooting in Tenn

1. Biden calls for more Gun Control
2. Tues 28th of March - Today show get its sound bite mayor dismissing gun owners
2. Story will vanish - Shooter is a Trans - Pissed off people would not ' accept ' it
3. Weapons Legally Purchased - means the shooter passed a back ground check
4. The shooter now 28, has been holding a grudge for at least 10 yrs ...

13 school shootings since January - basically 1 per week - How Many Are GANG RELATD Shootings ... the media doesn't report the details only :cds: School Shootings
Those gun free school zone laws and signs are working really great. How about we pass another law.
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Why the Nashville Christian School Shooting Is About to Disappear from the News Cycle

Julio has been covering the tragedy in Nashville, Tennessee. Six people, three children, and three adult staffers, were shot and killed at the Covenant School, a private Christian learning institution. Anti-gun activists hijacked a press conference on the incident earlier today. The Biden White House will probably push the usual talking points about banning so-called assault weapons, which will be echoed by their allies on the gun control issue. Unlike the shootings at Michigan State University and East High School in Denver, Colorado, this perpetrator had a handgun and two AR-15-style rifles. You can already hear the anti-gun Left licking their lips—now they had a chance to score some points. Except they can’t, Audrey Hale was identified as the shooter, and this person was transgender. Hale was shot and killed by police during the assault.



PREMO Member

The reporting on the Nashville shooting reveals the incoherence of modern gender theory

The news then reported that the shooter was “transgender.” That too left me bewildered. Did that mean the shooter was a biological woman who claimed to be a man or a biological man who claimed to be a woman?

After that, I saw a headline on the Daily Mail’s site stating, “Trans female former student….” Again, I had no idea whether this meant a biological female or a biological male. I didn’t click on the story because the Daily Mail throws pronouns around with wild and illogical abandon. Instead, I went to look for other sources of information about the killer’s sex.

It wasn’t until I saw the DC_Draino tweet that I sort of got a handle on things. Despite the tweet’s obvious refusal to use female pronouns, it’s apparent that the killer was a woman who “identifies” as a man:



Well-Known Member
The Latest Shooting in Tenn

1. Biden calls for more Gun Control
2. Tues 28th of March - Today show get its sound bite mayor dismissing gun owners
2. Story will vanish - Shooter is a Trans - Pissed off people would not ' accept ' it
3. Weapons Legally Purchased - means the shooter passed a back ground check
4. The shooter now 28, has been holding a grudge for at least 10 yrs ...
5. Will the Media and Anti Gunners make excuses for a Trans committing Anti-Christian Terrorist Attack because Christians want to ' erase ' trans people

13 school shootings since January - basically 1 per week - How Many Are GANG RELATD Shootings ... the media doesn't report the details only :cds: School Shootings

If it a white male the story is about racism & white supremacy. When its not its about guns and republicans who love them.