Maxine Waters Wants America to Send a 'Message Across the World' and Investigate Trump


PREMO Member
"Well, I certainly would support investigating the president of the United States. What he has done in the four years that he has served as president is simply unconscionable, I think criminal in some cases," Waters, a longtime anti-Trump critic, said.

"He’s placed this country in danger. And the president of the United States is supposed to be about making sure that the country is safe and secure, and he has done everything possible to undermine our democracy. And I don’t think that can be overlooked," she continued. "And I don’t know what Biden would do. And I know Biden wants to move on. He does not want to be bogged down in investigations, but I think that the president of the United States should be investigated. And we should send a message across the world, that we will not tolerate the undermining of our democracy in the way this president has done."



Well-Known Member
They DID investigate him. They probed every aspect, orifice and character flaw.

What kind of person is stupid enough not to have seen this?


Long Haired Country Boy
Ad Free Experience
They DID investigate him. They probed every aspect, orifice and character flaw.

What kind of person is stupid enough not to have seen this?
Mad Max apparently wasn't awake for the last 4 years.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Remember when Trump wanted to investigate Hillary's treasonous email scandal and her lack of response to Benghazi, and the Leftists whined that he was being a dictator threatening his opponents with prison?

Fun times!


Well-Known Member
Oh Lawdy! She got into that Peach 45 again.:alkies:


Well-Known Member
Every time we get a Democratic President - every time - Clinton, Obama, Biden - they suddenly get the idea that they were NICE to their predecessor.

Expect pearl clutching and gasps when Biden gets insulted - and they will all claim they NEVER treated Trump that way.

This isn't sarcasm or a joke. I'm deadly serious. They always do this. Act like they treated Reagan, Bush, Dubya and Trump with utmost regard and respect.

The press is even worse when it comes to this.


Well-Known Member
Maxine Waters isn't right in the head.
She is crazy as a loon.

A man who never got us in a war, withdrew troops from the Middle east got 3 treaties over there that no one else could get. Built up the military, and slowed China's takeover of the Pacific Ocean.
While Hillary and Obama sold Uranium to Russia and sent billions to the biggest terrorist sponsor in the world. and this moron, this ugly old crone. This racist POS. wants Trump investigated. Phuck you maxine just doesn't do it for me. I wish I could find something nastier to say, but I am trying to be nice.


Well-Known Member
Aunt Ester has been chewing on her acid laced roadkill wig again. One thing certain, even the most desperate animal in the hood would never touch her.


Well-Known Member
If she walked down Death Row after a showing of a porn movie she would elicit Erectile Dysfunction in the condemned.