May I Offer an Opinion on Chris Matthews?


Dancing Up A Storm
:mad: I literally had to get away from the TV set, after watching/listening to him badger one of the guys on the Swiftboat teams.

Mathews would ask the guy( I never did figure out who he was)
a question, then just as the guy responded with 4 or 5 words, Mathews would cut him off - and ask a new question, or fire back at him: "Well, what do you mean?, etc., blah, blah, blah."

I watched for maybe 5 or 6 minutes, and found myself yelling at the TV: "EFF YOU, Mathews, you are a SOB!!!" (As if he could hear me!)

I will not watch that POS again.

Anybody know what this @zzhole's political leanings are?

PS: If you don't know what a POS is, here's a hint: Somebody calls you a Piece Of $#it!

He is that in my opinion.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Temper, temper. :lol:

I saw the same show and it made me crazy, too. What really burned me up is when the SV guy would start answering a question, and the Kerry guy would start screaming and carrying on - and Matthews just let him go. Not trying to give both guys equal time or anything. And the Kerry guy was literally just ranting - calling the SVs liars and saying it was all a right-wing plot to impune Kerry.

It was pathetic.


Dancing Up A Storm
:mad: Vrai, you're right; I have had an hour or so to "chill", so I'm not as angry as I was when I turned the TV off, but it still irks me that this POS would treat guests that way.

I would never, ever voluntarily appear on his show again, if I were subjected to that sort of demagogery(sp?).

He's loud to begin with, (that seems to be his style), and I just had a feeling he had an agenda that fueled him and his demeanor.

Not a very good way to keep your ratings up; but then again, you have to wonder who he was pandering to.:shrug:


New Member
Originally posted by penncam
He's loud to begin with, (that seems to be his style), and I just had a feeling he had an agenda that fueled him and his demeanor.

Yeah, I hate that Sean Hannity. What a self-important #####...

Oh...wait...wrong thread.

Somebody needs to publish a field guide to obnoxious, coke-fueled cable news morons.


Football addict
Originally posted by penncam
Mathews would ask the guy( I never did figure out who he was)
a question, then just as the guy responded with 4 or 5 words, Mathews would cut him off - and ask a new question, or fire back at him: "Well, what do you mean?, etc., blah, blah, blah."

I thought Mathews did this all the time. That's why they call it 'hardball'. However, he should have attacked the Kerry guy if he did not do so.

What is Chris Mathews anyway? Middle of the road Democrat?

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
"Prior to entering journalism, Matthews served as White House aide and speechwriter to President Jimmy Carter and as a top aide to former Speaker of the House Thomas P. O'Neill, Jr. "

I would say that would make him a loud-mouth jackass.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Mathews wrote a book...

...titled, oddly enough, 'Hardball' that, if you consider yourself even a moderate political junky, is must reading.

He is another of the traditional liberal Democrats who grew up in the 60's that is appalled at what modern liberals have done to his party but is stuck with it.

At the end of the day, John Kerry, absent the accusations of the swift boat guys, is a traditional liberal.

Which is why the whole Nam hero thing. Kerry and Co. decided to gamble and are losing. He seems to be terrified of running on his Senate record.

Chris is just trying to help.


Nothing to see here
Letter from a freeper to Matthews


As a FORMER fan of your show I am writing to tell you that you've lost me as a viewer for good. You've become a hysterical Kerry shill, so much so that you viciously attack your guests and don't let them get a word in edgewise if they don't share your worshipful, blind and naive view of Kerry.

Your over-the-top attacks on HONORABLE AND DECORATED war vetetans who dare to question Kerry's version of events in Vietnam show you to be a totally unbalanced, biased and non-credible media voice. Why the need to defend Kerry against charges that are extensively documented, with over 60 witnesses, all veterans who served right along Kerry, telling the same story and that are remarkably consistent across the board? And your ugly pack mentality against Michelle Malkin with Willie Brown as your wingman showed just how petty and unbalanced you are. You haven't even read "Unfit for Command" Chris, this is how ridiculous you've become!

Your show has become a 527 independent campaign organization Chris, one that does little more than bash Bush and blindly and ignorantly defends Kerry at every turn. Trust me when I say Chris, the Bush bashing media flack schlock persona you're doing has been done to death. You're all a dime a dozen and boring as hell. And it's why your show has tanked in the ratings while Fox News grows by leaps and bounds.

Your problem is you know too many people like yourself who think the same way, attend all the same cocktail parties and vote for the same people. Little Ronnie Reagan is the worst of them. He has just blackened your thinking and made you into an irrational Bush hater like him.

The way Ronnie Jr. has turned you into an ugly carbon copy of himself was most on display when you hypocritically and moronically attacked the First Lady for speaking out against further government involvement in stem cell research (and by the way, quit lying about it having been "banned" by the Bush administration.) You called her speaking out an "inappropriate use of the office." Geez, funny how you found that kind of activism when it was Hillary Clinton so charming and endearing. Look in the mirror and see what a massive hypocrite you've become.

So take a pill Chris, take a vacation, get some therapy, switch to decaf or do whatever you need to in order to grow up and stop acting like such a hot-head stooge of the left. And most of all, break the permanent seal that has apparently developed between your lips and John Kerry's ass, that is when it's not on Ronnie Reagan's. It's most unflattering.

Goodbye for good!



Board Mommy
PREMO Member
My letter to MSNBC (not that it's going to matter):

I used to enjoy Chris Matthews, even though I rarely agree with his views. But now he's gone totally off his rocker with his ranting and raving on behalf of his beloved John Kerry.

Instead of being a legitimate news source, MSNBC has apparently decided it wants to pander to the Leftist screwballs that didn't learn about the Electoral College in high school and still think Bush was "selected", not elected.

Well, have a happy. From now on you'll do it without me in your television audience.



Dancing Up A Storm
:confused: You know, I think it's been posted elsewheres as well, but the bottom line is: not one of these sewer-sucking demonrats who are jumping up and down, having heart attacks galore, I'm sure,(that's a bad thing(?), some of you are asking)are complaining about it's mucky ads, nobody is telling to shut it's big bad face, or George Soros to stop pumping in millions of dollars into it.

Harold Ickes is up to his neck in this website, but I don't hear anyone saying "Gee, what's he doing, involved with it?"

Harold Ickes, wasn't he some sort of mouthpiece for Slick Willie Clinton a fews years back? YOU MEAN HE'S A DEMOCRAT???

Say it ain't so!!!!!


New Member
penncam said:
nobody is telling to shut it's big bad face

Senator Kerry called on to take its ad down that criticized President Bush's service in the Air National Guard.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
rraley said:
Senator Kerry called on to take its ad down that criticized President Bush's service in the Air National Guard.
I never heard that but he's not supposed to be doing that anyway. It's against the law for a candidate to coordinate with any 527 group. Didn't you read your campaign finance handbook? :razz:


Dancing Up A Storm
vraiblonde said:
I never heard that but he's not supposed to be doing that anyway. It's against the law for a candidate to coordinate with any 527 group. Didn't you read your campaign finance handbook? :razz:
:yay: That is what I thought I heard on Fox News this morning; that neither candidate may legally contact a 527 group and advise/request that they stop broadcasting their message. So if Kerry has infact done so, he's broken the campaign laws?

It keeps on getting better, doesn't it?


Super Genius
Maybe that's why the White House has said that they are simply against all ads from 527 groups.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
The White House can say...

...they are against 527's all they want.

He still signed the POS that lead to 527's.