Larry Gude said:
...knows and loves this stuff forward and backward; he is a true political junkie.
What he knows is that the 60's and 70's an awful lot of people said and did things that they'd regret later when it comes to a national political future. He also knows that those same things make some people hero's with a hardcore, influential segment of his party.
Vrai might be right; he got lead here by the Clinton vets he hired only to be summarily executed for Hillary.
Mathews and anyone else who knows the real story, that this WILL sink Kerry unless it is stopped right now, are working overtime right now to get this on the back burner and force Bush to help.
Then the RNC convention let's it fade a bit.
It's stall ball right now and every step Kerry makes is inflaming more feelings and making it worse.
Yep, I saw the very same arguement in another article from, on 8/20; the author was Neal Boortz, who promoted quite the same idea: he's thinking it has all been an orchestrated setup by friends of Bill and Hillary, right from the beginning.
He thinks Hillary is not ready to run right now, and offering up Kerry for the sacrifice, ie., letting Pres. Bush have 4 more years, is the kind of warped strategy these people are attempting to execute. If Kerry/Edwards win, Hillary can look forward to 8 years of wallowing in her Senate seat. NOT what I think her and Bill and Co., have in mind.
From the article:
"We’re friends, right? So let’s cut to the chase. You know you really didn’t want a 2004 Kerry in the first place. You wanted a Hillary! Just think about those sleek, curvy lines, that flashy grille, the soft upholstery. What’s not to love? Come on and admit it. That’s your real goal. Hillary Clinton in the White House, a liberal nirvana. You panicked, though, and bought the first shiny thing you saw on the showroom floor.
Well, this isn’t the way to go about it, my friend. If your dream version of America is Hillary in the White House, then beating Bush in 2004 is not going to move you closer to your goal. It’s time for you to put the overpowering emotion of hatred aside and try to think a few years ahead. If this 2004 Kerry of yours takes this race you’re probably going to be stuck with him for eight years.
During those eight years they’re going to be polishing up a 2012 Edwards to take his place. All the while your Hillary is going to be collecting rust in the Senate."
I posted the link to the article elsewhere, in another thread about Kerry.
Is this too outlandish for middle America to consider, though?