Maybe I'll finally meet some people


New Member
I'm brand new to the site, and I just wanted to say "hi!" :howdy: Honestly, I am not so sure I'm too interested in this forum stuff. I've never posted a forum, and I've never even really read any until recently.

I've lived in the Southern Maryland area for a few years now, and I have yet to find a way for me to meet people of my own age group and ideals. As a last effort, here I am joining SOMD forums! Huzzah.

I had a big question to start with, but apparantly somebody by the name of Waggles already pinned that one for me. lol. So, instead, I'm just going to leave it at this.... I'm new to the forums, looking to make some friends, and possibly meet some people in the area.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
briancpest said:
my own age group and ideals.
And that would be....?

The folks will be along with the standard newbie interrogation here shortly. In the meantime, welcome to the forums :howdy:


Well-Known Member
briancpest said:
I'm brand new to the site, and I just wanted to say "hi!" :howdy: Honestly, I am not so sure I'm too interested in this forum stuff. I've never posted a forum, and I've never even really read any until recently.

I've lived in the Southern Maryland area for a few years now, and I have yet to find a way for me to meet people of my own age group and ideals. As a last effort, here I am joining SOMD forums! Huzzah.

I had a big question to start with, but apparantly somebody by the name of Waggles already pinned that one for me. lol. So, instead, I'm just going to leave it at this.... I'm new to the forums, looking to make some friends, and possibly meet some people in the area.

Hi Brian :howdy:


New Member
Thank you all for the welcome... still a little iffy about this whole thing.

And don't laugh at me, but I'm a youngin'. lol

I turn twenty next month.


Pea Brain
PREMO Member
briancpest said:
Thank you all for the welcome... still a little iffy about this whole thing.

And don't laugh at me, but I'm a youngin'. lol

I turn twenty next month.
Oooh. Have you met nitwhit?
Here's to hoping that your first foray into the forum's is to your liking. Heck, I've been lurking around the forum's for years without posting much myself! I don't know if the forum's will lead to meeting any new friends but where's the harm in trying? You'll probably run into everybody without ever knowing it just by walking through Wal Mart once a week or so...


New Member
what's this talk of pictures and angry faces? lol

Thanks for the luck, alpha. The only way I ever even heard of these forums is because my dad always has these huge parties for the people he meets on here. I feel kind of weird posting on a site where my father might be lurking right around the corner, but we're all adults, so who cares?


New Member
cattitude said:
Well that let's me out. :frown:

####, I'll talk to anyone. The age range is more for.... other instances. But, as far as talking goes, I'm up for meeting anyone.

Not to be offensive, but you have me wondering now.... how old are the majority of people on these forums? lol


Well-Known Member
briancpest said:
The only way I ever even heard of these forums is because my dad always has these huge parties for the people he meets on here. I feel kind of weird posting on a site where my father might be lurking right around the corner, but we're all adults, so who cares?

I had no idea Pete had a twenty year old son :shocking:


New Member
Airgasm said:
I had no idea Pete had a twenty year old son :shocking:

LMAO. I'm sure everyone who reads that post will be thinking the exact same thing.... about whatever guy they happen to party with from the forums. And, no, Pete is not my father. lol