Mayor Fenty of DC in the Hot Seat!!!


NOT Politically Correct!!
Damn and I really like this guy. Coming up on MyFoxDC at 10pm is a breaking story of how Mayor Fenty has been using DC tax dollars to campaign for NObama. I'll update as more info unfolds... :coffee:

According to DC News Mayor Fenty spend over 17,500 of DC tax dollars for out of state trips campaigning for NObama. A violation of district law according to DC city councilman. The cost does not include the pay for the security details who accompanied him. No comment from the DC Mayors office at this time...:coffee:

OK that sucks and street interviews indicate the people of DC are not happy. I wouldn't be too...

NObama did nothing wrong and is not being blamed...
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NOT Politically Correct!!
WASHINGTON (AP) -- Mayor Adrian Fenty has promised to review his policy of paying for campaign trips on behalf of Senator Barak Obama, which have cost city taxpayers more than $50,000.

Fenty said Wednesday his office will review the policy and compare it to what other mayors and governors are doing. He said he would adjust the policy if the review finds it is not in line with what others are doing.

WTOP, citing records provided by the mayor's office, reports that taxpayers paid for three members of Fenty's executive staff, 10 police officers and three detectives to travel with Fenty as he campaigned for Obama the past five months... :coffee: