Mayor Pete


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Smith tells Politico:

From the second I met Pete, I knew that there was something special about him. He was a once-in-a-generation talent, someone who perfectly met the moment. When I met him was right after Trump won the election, and Democrats are running around with their hair on fire — for good reason. And you had Democrats out there saying, “when they go low, we kick them in the face,” and engaging in all this over-the-top rhetoric.
Pete was completely different. A lot of people thought that to beat Trump, you had to be Trump. And what Pete understood, and why I believed in him, was that to beat Trump, we didn’t need to be him. We needed to be the antidote to him. And there was not a better antidote to Trump than Pete — in terms of style, in terms of life experience, and in terms of his worldview.
It was a long shot. Everyone thought I was crazy. But it was one of those moments where I had to go with my gut.

A once-in-a-generation talent? That must explain his massive success as a presidential candidate. All the guy does is tell us to buy electric cars.

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What's the REAL Reason Pete Buttigieg Just Moved to Michigan?

It appears someone at the DNC may have sat Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg down for a heart-to-heart. Despite the media fawning and attempting to bill Buttigieg as the next big thing, it just isn’t taking. Forget that he looks about 14 years old, rarely speaks in any language other than his native corporate consultant, and was absent on paternity leave during a supply-chain crisis. As the city’s mayor, he has only demonstrated that he couldn’t fix the potholes in South Bend, Indiana.

Despite the glaring lack of demonstrable skills or an actual resume, Buttigieg threw himself into the Democrat presidential primary. It turns out that was a good move on his part. As a far-left progressive, Buttigieg knew he could not win a statewide race in red Indiana. As a failed primary candidate, he got enough press, profile, and leverage to get himself a spot in the intersectional administration. It is unclear what he has done since then other than take two months off and call roads racist.

But the Democrats desperately need young intersectional faces on their bench. Where does a secretary of transportation go when the Biden administration ends? Someone more politically astute than Buttigieg must have told him. It is not the top of the national ticket in 2024. Despite having no intersectional cred, the party seems to be teeing up Kamala Harris’s old boss, Gavin Newsom, to displace both her and Joe Biden.

Nor is it the number two slot. If Newsome runs, the Democrats can’t have two white guys on the ticket, even if one of them is gay. The Democrat base won’t tolerate it. So Mayor Pete needs to have a shot at a job more significant than a mayor, but one much smaller than the president. Maybe while he does said job, Buttigieg could even accomplish something notable, though that is not required to rise through the ranks of the Democrat Party. Obviously, he cannot take the new family and go back to Indiana and make anything happen.

So, he and the crew landed in Michigan. Detroit News reports:

U.S. Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg and his husband Chasten are officially Michiganians — a move that may help bolster the former South Bend, Indiana mayor’s future political prospects.
The couple have moved to Traverse City, Chasten’s hometown, and plan to register to vote there before the midterm election this fall, a U.S. Department of Transportation spokesperson confirmed to The Detroit News.
The move will allow the Buttigiegs to be closer to Chasten’s parents, who have helped the couple with child care since they adopted their twins last August, according to the spokesperson.

Really? The Buttigieges moved for babysitting? Theoretically, the Biden administration will end on January 20, 2025. While President Biden says he is running again, it is not clear anyone believes him. Certainly not after seeing Newsome jaunt into the West Wing like he owned as soon as Biden was airborne to Israel.
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Pete Buttigieg says the more pain people feel at the pump, the more benefit there is to those with ‘access to’ electric cars

Here’s Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg admitting out loud what the entire Biden administration has been suggesting from the start. We’re in a “transition” period from fossil fuels to renewables, and high gas prices are part of that transition. As with others in the administration, Buttigieg’s solution to those struggling to afford gas is to buy an electric vehicle. And now he’s admitted the equation is the more pain people feel at the pump, the more benefit there is to those “who can access electric vehicles.” Not buy, access.

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..if momma ain't happy...
Hubby just bought a 2022 GMC diesel 4-dr, long bed pickup. He worked hard for that truck, after all the junk he's driven over the yrs. It is his pride and joy.

Drove it to see family in New England. They were appalled he would dare own such a environment-destroying hunk of metal.

Like a little boy with a burst balloon.


Beloved Misanthrope
He should tell them he's trying to offset the glaciation they're trying to create with their "Ice mobiles".


Well-Known Member
Why is it so hard for these people to understand that the price of gas affect the price of everything.
EVERYTHING. It isn't just the price of gas fool.

They are pushing this electric BS and even the price of electricity will soon be restrictive.
Even now they are being told not to charge their electric cars because the power is not there for them, and still the stupid mother humpers cannot see the big picture. What would be happening if we all had electric cars.?
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Buttigieg Whines About Americans Not Wanting Electric Cars

Meanwhile, electric vehicle owners are being warned not to charge their batteries during certain hours for fear of blackouts.

"Tesla is asking its customers in Texas to avoid charging their electric vehicles during peak times in order to prevent overtaxing the state’s power grid. The alerts come as Texas’ grid operator, the Electric Reliability Council of Texas or ERCOT, is calling on residents to conserve electricity during the recent heatwave, as the system is being pushed to near-emergency conditions," the Verge reports.

The vehicles being pushed by Buttigieg are not clean or green as the Biden Administration claims.



Well-Known Member
These people actually believe they can control nature.

That alone should tell you that they are freaking crazy.
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Speaking with CNN’s Jake Tapper on Sunday, Buttigieg was asked to comment on Rubio reportedly calling same-sex marriage legislation a “stupid waste of time” as Americans face so many struggles.

“If he’s got time to fight against Disney, I don’t know why he wouldn’t have time to safeguard marriages like mine. This is really important to a lot of people. It’s important to me,” said Buttigieg.

“Our marriage deserves to be treated equally. I don’t know why this would be so hard for a senator or a congressman,” he continued. “I don’t understand how such a majority of the House Republicans voted no on our marriage as recently as Tuesday, hours after I was in a room with a lot of them, talking transportation policy, having what I thought were perfectly normal conversations — just for them to go around the corner and say my marriage doesn’t deserve to continue. If they don’t want to spend time on this, they can vote yes and move on. That would be really reassuring for a lot of families in America, including mine.”

Rubio later responded with a video posted on Twitter, defending Florida’s recent fight against Disney while vowing to fight for “real problems” currently facing Americans, such as high gas prices.
