McCain Rolls Out New Ad With Biden’s Words


No Use for Donk Twits
This didn't take long!

Just three hours after the Obama campaign sent out its text announcement, the McCain campaign rolled out its first ad this morning, using Senator Joe Biden’s own words during the primary season about Senator Barack Obama.

From a debate in 2007, a clip shows Mr. Biden standing next to Mr. Obama. George Stephanopoulos of ABC News queried Mr. Biden: “You were asked, “Is he ready?” You said, ‘I think he can be ready but right now, I don’t believe he is. The presidency is not something that lends itself to on-the-job training.’ ”

Mr. Biden: “I think that I stand by the statement.”

McCain Rolls Out New Ad With Biden’s Words


In My Opinion
And, does Barry think he himself is qualified?
ok, that was 2004, 4 years ago he said that he was not ready.
this is 4 years later.
in that 4 years Bush has lowered the bar, and with the new affirmative action program, (no politician left behind) he might have enough experience to be qualified to be molded into the job if his handlers can get a good hold on him.


24/7 Single Dad
Look...we all know King Obama is not qualified.

So why did he pick a VP with that same view?
Because the only thing the Dems care about is the office and the power.
Biden brings to the ticket what Obama doesn't have, experience.

...of course he is also the opposite of "change" and "no more politics as usual" since he's been in DC for 30+ years :lol:


New Member
"Biden brings to the ticket what Obama doesn't have, experience."

a follow the French guy? Has experience....No frakin way....

Look..even King Obama can follow the French. They have royalty to.....


New Member
Because the only thing the Dems care about is the office and the power.
Biden brings to the ticket what Obama doesn't have, experience.

...of course he is also the opposite of "change" and "no more politics as usual" since he's been in DC for 30+ years :lol:

You are exactly right, the power of the office is what the Democrats want.

They want liberals in the Supreme Court
They want more entitlements for their constituency
They want higher taxes
They want their Green bills passed
They want Kyoto although its already breaking those signed up
They want a Universal health program run by the government that already runs Social Security so well
They want to give billions in aid to their friends in the carbon credit scam
They want more billions for solar and wind power that is decades from being useful
They want to take the money from the military and spend it with their friends and leave America defenseless
They want to take nuclear weapons that we have spent millions developing and give it away free leaving only terrorists and terrorist states with it.

If Obama is elected we will see change all right. It will take billions to build America back to strength after they are done.


Well-Known Member
Why is quoting someone an attack?

Exactly. I can't see it either. The man is quoted fully in context without any distortion and it was just last year. Biden is attacking Obama. I thought it was brilliant, because it precisely illuminates what the campaign has been saying - he's inexperienced and not ready for the job - and it's not discussing differences on issues which people can always compromise and hammer out.

It's just saying he's not ready, and I agree. If the complaint has arisen that W wasn't ready for the job, why on earth would Democrats want to repeat that error with THEIR guy? Don't they claim that W is the worst President in history? Why would they want to top that?


Well-Known Member
Obama...very clever pick!

You see, Biden will bring in that cliffhanger mega-electoral swing state:


by picking a VP from the 2nd smallest state (3 counties) he will almost clinch the election in the he has to pick up momentum in the other 56 states.:killingme:killingme:killingme

(And the whole time Biden is acting "schmart"...we will have yahoo & google bloggers finding what speech he cut & pasted from.)

Did I hear a line up of speakers at the convention to include....Gore? Carter? Clinton (thing 1 & thing 2)?....Too bad Muskie is gone...Elliot Spitzer is available though...hmmm.