McCain Should 'Calm Down' on Using Military Svc


No Use for Donk Twits
Sen. Jim Webb (D-Va.) waded into the debate over John McCain's military service Monday to say that the Republican should avoid using military service in politics.

He continued: "And John McCain's my long-time friend, if that is one area that I would ask him to calm down on, it`s that, don't be standing up and uttering your political views and implying that all the people in the military support them because they don't, any more than when the Democrats have political issues during the Vietnam War.

I don't recall McCain saying or implying that all folks in the military support his views. I guess Webb just doesn't want McCain to contrast himself with Obama.

Did Webb support Kerry, (who by the way, served in Vietnam) when Kerry was reminding everyone of his three Purple Hearts when Bush only served in the National Guard?

The comments are priceless!

The Hill's Blog Briefing Room » Webb: McCain Should 'Calm Down' on Using Military Service


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
Sen. Jim Webb (D-Va.) waded into the debate over John McCain's military service Monday to say that the Republican should avoid using military service in politics.

He continued: "And John McCain's my long-time friend, if that is one area that I would ask him to calm down on, it`s that, don't be standing up and uttering your political views and implying that all the people in the military support them because they don't, any more than when the Democrats have political issues during the Vietnam War.

I don't recall McCain saying or implying that all folks in the military support his views. I guess Webb just doesn't want McCain to contrast himself with Obama.
Did Webb support Kerry, (who by the way, served in Vietnam) when Kerry was reminding everyone of his three Purple Hearts when Bush only served in the National Guard?

The comments are priceless!

The Hill's Blog Briefing Room » Webb: McCain Should 'Calm Down' on Using Military Service

Webb is an idiot. Something about that man is just creepy, too.


No Use for Donk Twits
The man who basically wore his son's combat boots during his campaign against Allen is telling McCain not to emphasize his strengths.

I admire Webb for many things he has accomplished but he's not very good at explaining what he thinks and backs down when confronted by socialists. His comments in his book about women being in the military for example, he backed down as soon as it wasn't PC. Sad.


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
The man who basically wore his son's combat boots during his campaign against Allen is telling McCain not to emphasize his strengths.

I admire Webb for many things he has accomplished but he's not very good at explaining what he thinks and backs down when confronted by socialists. His comments in his book about women being in the military for example, he backed down as soon as it wasn't PC. Sad.

I didn't know much about him before he ran for office, but the spectacle he made of himself by wearing his son's combat boots is shameful.

He has an arrogance about him that is a tad too menacing for me.


New Member
So what is John McCain supposed to do when a retired military general attacks him about his ,military record? Just forget about it?

It isnt John McCain who is touting his military record, it is his oppponents who are bringing it up so that he has to defend it.


New Member
I didn't know much about him before he ran for office, but the spectacle he made of himself by wearing his son's combat boots is shameful.
Jim Webb was also in the military himself. :duh:

His son being in the military was relevant - that was something that clicked with voters. I would rather have someone in office who's making decisions about war that will feel the impact in their own family.

Too many of these politicians come from families where money has been passed down from generation to generation. Their C-grade kids are attending the best colleges in the nation because they have all the money in the world. Too many of these Congressmen don't feel the implications of their actions firsthand.

That's where Jim Webb stood out, and I don't think it's shameful he made a case about his son being in the military and serving in Iraq. I do think it's hypocritical that he thinks McCain shouldn't use his military record.


New Member
So what is John McCain supposed to do when a retired military general attacks him about his ,military record? Just forget about it?

It isnt John McCain who is touting his military record, it is his oppponents who are bringing it up so that he has to defend it.
As much as this hurts to type:razz:...:yeahthat:


No Use for Donk Twits
Jim Webb was also in the military himself. :duh:

His son being in the military was relevant - that was something that clicked with voters. I would rather have someone in office who's making decisions about war that will feel the impact in their own family.

Too many of these politicians come from families where money has been passed down from generation to generation. Their C-grade kids are attending the best colleges in the nation because they have all the money in the world. Too many of these Congressmen don't feel the implications of their actions firsthand.

That's where Jim Webb stood out, and I don't think it's shameful he made a case about his son being in the military and serving in Iraq. I do think it's hypocritical that he thinks McCain shouldn't use his military record.

Precisely. You get the first gold star for the day.


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
Jim Webb was also in the military himself. :duh:

His son being in the military was relevant - that was something that clicked with voters. I would rather have someone in office who's making decisions about war that will feel the impact in their own family.

Too many of these politicians come from families where money has been passed down from generation to generation. Their C-grade kids are attending the best colleges in the nation because they have all the money in the world. Too many of these Congressmen don't feel the implications of their actions firsthand.

That's where Jim Webb stood out, and I don't think it's shameful he made a case about his son being in the military and serving in Iraq. I do think it's hypocritical that he thinks McCain s
shouldn't use his military record.

DUH to you, too, Andy. I merely said I didn't know much about him BEFORE he ran for office. I did learn about him while he was running for office. I don't need a history lesson from you when I watched the campaign for myself.

Yes, his son's military career may have been relevant - but I happen to think he used his son's combat boots, and then by extension was using his son, to further his political career. Therefore, that is why I said I thought he was shameful. You may have a different opinion than I do regarding that - fine by me. I think it's GREAT that someone can bring that perspective to the job they are trying to campaign for. I just happen to think he USED it - in a lot of situations. As I said - you could have had the opposite opinion of it - fine by me.

I also think he's very arrogant. For myself, I think he's a little too cocky & seems somewhat menacing in his personality.

That is NOT to say I disrespect his military career. This is only about his own personality and the way he ran his campaign. And yes, I think he's a jerk butt to go slamming McCain.


New Member
Yes, his son's military career may have been relevant - but I happen to think he used his son's combat boots, and then by extension was using his son, to further his political career. Therefore, that is why I said I thought he was shameful. You may have a different opinion than I do regarding that - fine by me. I think it's GREAT that someone can bring that perspective to the job they are trying to campaign for. I just happen to think he USED it - in a lot of situations. As I said - you could have had the opposite opinion of it - fine by me.
People run for office because they're dissatisfied with the way things are going.

Mr. Webb was clearly dissatisfied about the War in Iraq, a war his son had been sent to fight in. Those are important issues. Elections are about hope, hope that tomorrow will be better than today, and that is why people run for office.

Mr. Webb ran because he felt many people were opposed to this inane war. Turns out, gee, he was right, who would've thunk it. :duh:

Some people run for office for power, while others (like Mr. Webb) run to change the current system. Hope that tomorrow will be better than today, and the need to change Washington, end the reckless spending and government dictation is what fueled the Reagan Revolution. That's why people voted for Scarborough back in '94, and that's why people vote today.

Right now, all we Republicans have to offer is, "hang in there America. Things are bad now but the Democrats will just make it worse." All Democrats have to offer is change. Right now, with American pessimism at all-time highs across the nation, Change prevails over keeping the status-quo as is.


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
People run for office because they're dissatisfied with the way things are going. Really? Wow

Mr. Webb was clearly dissatisfied about the War in Iraq, a war his son had been sent to fight in. Those are important issues. Elections are about hope, hope that tomorrow will be better than today, and that is why people run for office. You've been with the Obamaniacs again - all that talk about hope.

Mr. Webb ran because he felt many people were opposed to this inane war. Turns out, gee, he was right, who would've thunk it. :duh: Whatever.

Some people run for office for power, while others (like Mr. Webb) run to change the current system. Hope that tomorrow will be better than today, and the need to change Washington, end the reckless spending and government dictation is what fueled the Reagan Revolution. That's why people voted for Scarborough back in '94, and that's why people vote today.

Right now, all we Republicans have to offer is, "hang in there America. Things are bad now but the Democrats will just make it worse." All Democrats have to offer is change. Right now, with American pessimism at all-time highs across the nation, Change prevails over keeping the status-quo as is.
Good Lord, what did I do for the last 30 years of voting without your infinite wisdom. :lmao:


New Member
If I am not mistaken Mccain has a son in Iraq.
Both McCain and Obama have taken the high road. I can't criticize either for negative politics. Their back-and-fourth exchanges have been very much about the issues.

If we could unplug the mics on all the political pundits on the five cable news networks and pass a bill requiring them to report the news straight up, this wouldn't be an issue. Neither candidate has resorted to cheap shots - so far, the media's doing that for both of them.


So what is John McCain supposed to do when a retired military general attacks him about his ,military record? Just forget about it?

It isnt John McCain who is touting his military record, it is his oppponents who are bringing it up so that he has to defend it.

Have you seen McCain's advertisement's lately? They all start with him lying in his bed in the Hanoi Hilton. Have you heard his speeches on defense and foreign policy? He talks incessently about his time in the Navy AND his being a POW (something he used to never talk about during campaigns). How about during the debates when McCain made his being commander of a squadron as his bonfide to be POTUS?

McCain made the decision to run on his military record, just like Kerry did, and he should be ready to take heat on the negatives of that record.


By the way... Just some data about Webb...

He won the Navy Cross, Silver Star, Two Bronze Stars, and two Purple Hearts during combat operations in Vietnam.

He was the first Assistant Secretary of Defense for Reserve Affairs

He was Secretary of the Navy.

Once again, it seems that it is not conduct while in uniform that some folks respect, but what letter follows after your name... R or D... that determines if your opinion matters.


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
By the way... Just some data about Webb...

He won the Navy Cross, Silver Star, Two Bronze Stars, and two Purple Hearts during combat operations in Vietnam.

He was the first Assistant Secretary of Defense for Reserve Affairs

He was Secretary of the Navy.

Once again, it seems that it is not conduct while in uniform that some folks respect, but what letter follows after your name... R or D... that determines if your opinion matters.

I CLEARLY stated more than once I based my opinion on his demeanor and the way he handled his campaign. Not R or D.

Go back to writing your military novels.


Well-Known Member
Once again, it seems that it is not conduct while in uniform that some folks respect, but what letter follows after your name... R or D... that determines if your opinion matters.

It's not what comes after his name - it's what comes out of his mouth. The guy's an SOB. I wouldn't just not vote for him, I wouldn't shake his hand.