McCain Should 'Calm Down' on Using Military Svc


New Member
Once again, it seems that it is not conduct while in uniform that some folks respect, but what letter follows after your name... R or D... that determines if your opinion matters.
No. I just disagree with his opinion. :shrug:

I actually like Sen. Webb. He's a breath of fresh air. He speaks what's on his mind, he's brash about it, he's even sometimes pompous.

I think we need more Senators, Republican and Democrat, like him. I think Webb's the Tony Stewart of Congress. We need more like him. I'm sick of the little frat boys running Congress. I'm sick of the rich stuck-up snobs who have never had to do a thing in their life to get where they are.

I think Webb's story is great. We need more people like him in Congress. :yay: