McCaskill Lunacy


Up. Identified. Lase. Fire. On the way.
Keep the first two words and the last two words and put a colon smack in the middle (of the linked Townhall's article's title) and you have the complete story.

--- End of line (MCP)


PREMO Member
McCaskill added, “You are now looking at a political combo, two people endorsing each other in politics, and one of them is running for president of the United States, and the other one is one of the largest and most important communist leaders of a socialist society. That’s stunning. Donald Trump loves communism. He loves socialism. And by the way, Ron DeSantis seems to kind of like it too since he wants the government to control business in Florida. So what’s ironic to me is you’re not hearing — can you imagine for a minute if a Democratic candidate for president was playing cozy and was getting endorsed by a communist leader in this world? Can you imagine how people’s heads would explode in the Republican Party? They have their leading candidate that is playing footsie with one of the most high-profile socialists and communist leaders in the world. And all of them are, like, ‘Oh well, you know. It’s Donald, he’s looking after us.'”



PREMO Member

MSNBC Contributor and Former Democrat Senator Says Trump Is More Dangerous Than Hitler (VIDEO)

MSNBC contributor and former Democrat U.S. Senator of Missouri, Claire McCaskill, recently went on air and wrongly claimed Donald Trump is “even more dangerous” than dictators Benito Mussolini and Adolf Hitler.

While on MSNBC’s Dateline, McCaskill stated, “A lot of people have tried to draw similarities between Mussolini and Hitler and the use of the terminology like ‘vermin’ and the drive that those men had towards autocracy and dictatorship.”

She continued, “The difference, though, I think makes Donald Trump even more dangerous, and that is he has no philosophy he believes in.”


How can anyone be MORE Dangerous Than Hitler
Nazi's Tortured and Murdered people ... what is worse than that.


Well-Known Member

Claire McCaskill Plans to Start New Family Tradition For July 4...And It's Really Weird​

If it's abusing all the dogs in Piney Point, tell her HemiHoller already beat her to it. :jet:
  • Haha
Reactions: BOP


PREMO Member

McCaskill: Trump Doesn’t Know What FISA or Obamacare Are

MSNBC contributor Claire McCaskill said Friday on “Morning Joe” that former President Donald Trump does not know what the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) or the Affordable Care Act dubbed Obamacare were.

McCaskill said, “I don’t think people realize. We always talk about the intelligence community like it’s some kind of big group of folks somewhere. I think people think of spy movies and stuff. The vast majority of people on the intelligence committee are either veterans or active military. They are really hardworking, smart patriots that are trying to keep our country safe. It’s just bizarre to me that if you got Donald Trump right now and put a microphone in front of his face and tried to hold him to an answer on this, what is FISA, he doesn’t know. He doesn’t even know what it is. He has no idea.”

She added, “Republicans used to go to the White House when I was in the Senate they’d come back and have a health care discussion. Republicans would say, he has no idea what Obamacare even is, what the Affordable Care Act even is. He’s just parroting this. Yes, we need to be careful about oversight in the intelligence community. You don’t want it to run amuck and violate Americans’ rights but the surest path to our country being under attack is to actually defang our intelligence community. That’s what Donald Trump is trying to do.”


What a fuc king retard .... who are these mysterious Republicans


Well-Known Member

MSNBC Contributor and Former Democrat Senator Says Trump Is More Dangerous Than Hitler (VIDEO)

MSNBC contributor and former Democrat U.S. Senator of Missouri, Claire McCaskill, recently went on air and wrongly claimed Donald Trump is “even more dangerous” than dictators Benito Mussolini and Adolf Hitler.

While on MSNBC’s Dateline, McCaskill stated, “A lot of people have tried to draw similarities between Mussolini and Hitler and the use of the terminology like ‘vermin’ and the drive that those men had towards autocracy and dictatorship.”

She continued, “The difference, though, I think makes Donald Trump even more dangerous, and that is he has no philosophy he believes in.”


How can anyone be MORE Dangerous Than Hitler
Nazi's Tortured and Murdered people ... what is worse than that.

Misgendering people, for one thing. Mean tweets is another.


Well-Known Member

Trump graduated from UPenn, a quiet Ivy League school. I don't know about now, but at the time, you couldn't get a college education without reading a lot of material, whether you wanted to or not. Hell, for one class my junior year at state school, I had 30 books and essays to read.

To graduate, I did not have to have a thesis, but I did have a capstone project, but if I recall correctly, the Ivies, and many schools required a thesis for a 4-year degree.


PREMO Member

Claire McCaskill Claims Fellow Grocery Shopper Begged Her to Stop Trump from Returning to White House

At one time, Claire McCaskill was a Congresswoman. The GOP had a not great candidate and she managed to win the race. Thankfully, the GOP regrouped and she lost her next race. She is still dying for attention and decided to share this grocery store story.

First of all, Claire seems like an 'Instacart' kind of lady. No one believes she is actually doing her own shopping.

Democrats begging Claire to assure them they'll block Trump from office if he wins is very telling.

I'll take Things that NEVER Happened for $ 1000 Alex