McClellan under oath: I Dunno


No Use for Donk Twits
This should help his book sales.

McClellan under oath: I Dunno

What are the odds this will make tomorrows papers?

“I do not think the president in any way had knowledge about it,” McClellan told lawmakers. “In terms of the vice president, I do not know. There is a lot of suspicion there.”

Socialists are in such a rush to judgment, perhaps in this case they should have waited until after the election. Another silver bullet that melted in the cartridge.


Power with Control
Dont suppose he tossed in the new mantra, "I'm just saying", did he? I just love that one, what we would have called a cop-out:)


CNN's Wolf Blitzer already came out with a teaser of "McClellan claims Cheney knows more than what he's admitted to in the outing of Valerie Plame", but that's not what McClellan said.