MD Attorney General Quitting

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Good... more dictator out the door. This man did some of the most vile assaults on rights of gun owners in the history of this nation including going after people who COULD have been convicted of charges that WOULD have resulted in a level of conviction that would have disqualified them from keeping and baring arms.

Yes indeed people; he proposed (and I think did) use punishment on people based on something they were NOT convicted of.
Larry Gude said: more dictator out the door. This man did some of the most vile assaults on rights of gun owners in the history of this nation including going after people who COULD have been convicted of charges that WOULD have resulted in a level of conviction that would have disqualified them from keeping and baring arms.

Yes indeed people; he proposed (and I think did) use punishment on people based on something they were NOT convicted of.
Yep, he's the one. He even tried using dwi convictions (which were not felonies, and thus not a bar to gun ownership) to bar gun ownership. He also used the MD hunting license list to find people he felt should not own guns, and then sicked the cops on them.
Footballfreak said:
To quote the Greaseman as he closed his show

AMF Mr. Curran. Mike Miller and Mike Busch should be next!!
If one of them has to stay, let it be Miller. Otherwise, AMF ALL Democrats in MD Legislature.


New Member
huntr1 said:
If one of them has to stay, let it be Miller. Otherwise, AMF ALL Democrats in MD Legislature.

One of the probelms with Miller is that he is the longest serving Senate President in US History. Hell, he has been there so long they named the office building after him