Larry Gude said:...where I, ever so painfully, agree with my good pal forestal;
We wiped Germany and Japan OUT. We were in total control and ALLOWED them to take over at out time and pace.
Iraq, we never subdued. We never secured the borders. We never killed all the bad guys. We've got this giant tar baby and there sits the manpower needed to secure the country with its own citizens and what is happening? We're still trying to do it, four years later? We can't make them or teach them to trust each other and have common bonds. There is no insurgents unless Iraqi's allow it. There is no outside interference unless we allow it.
Bush has us running around plugging holes in the dike with our fingers and the surge is simply more fingers, while water is pouring over the top.
Evey single US soldier doing police and guard work in Iraq is one more than should be there at this late date. Either Iraqi's won't do it because it's easier to let us or they won't do it for whaterver ethnic, religious or tribal reason they have. There is no "Iraq" and that was the great misjudgement.
This_person said:I have to agree with some of your specifics, but still disagree with the big picture. Many of the specifics of this war are different than some of the bigger and smaller ones we've had before, but the big picture is that it takes a long time to get a country to stand up to a whole new way of life. We're still in between the Koreas, 50+ years later. We still have a strong presence in Japan, because we wrote their Constitution such that they can't do any more than almost defend themselves. 60+ years later. We live in a microwave society, and we're fighting campfire problems. It's going to take longer. The specifics of border control, well, you're right on there. Getting them to get the fear out is going to take a lot longer. Remember, we walked away from them once, and we have strong, loud, stupid voices calling for our withdrawal too soon again. They have no reason to trust us. None. Meanwhile, we didn't secure their borders, and they fight like children (except with AK-47's) amongst themselves. I do think there really was no strong "Iraq", though, and that was a miscalculation on our part.
But we're there.forestal said:pfaaa, we can't get them to stand up if they just to lay down and kick the legs out from under us.
The only thing we've succeeded in doing is creating an environment where Al Qaeda, an an insurgency can flourish.
We would have been better off staying out of Iraq. The only groups who have benefitted have been the Iranians, the Syrians, and Usama bin Laden.
AndyMarquisLIVE said:But we're there.
So the war's not going as you like it, we should just leave?
Nice analogyLarry Gude said:What we are doing now amounts to under dosing an antibiotic. It's not enough to kill the disease and it's creating a resistance to the medicine in the mean time.