Meanwhile - November 9th


Active Member
It's Calvert or nothing for me, so I'll quietly suggest Broomes Island Stoneys ....:buddies:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
It's Calvert or nothing for me, so I'll quietly suggest Broomes Island Stoneys ....:buddies:

Calvert is probably better for most of us - I think I'm the lone St. Mary's-er and I'm cool with majority rules. Count me in for Stoney's!


my war
Sorry, guys... Can't make this one, but I am pretty sure Stoney's / Broomes Island is closed for the season...:howdy:


Active Member
Nope I already verified they are open Thursday through Sunday...This ain't my first rodeo!


Harley Rider
I'll be having dinner "up the road" with some other friends tomorrow night so I can't attend. Fridays in mid November & all of December are filled up for me so y'all have fun! :cheers:


In My Opinion
Well make sure you take her with you so she can keep ya' in line :howdy:

If you ever showed up you might have an option to suggest such things, but since you dont, we should leave that to the ones that do.

Be nice if you could make it to one sometime.


In My Opinion
My lack of showing up this week involved a case of what I think is strep.
did not want to take the chance of infecting you all.
it if was with JPC and nhboy, I would have been there.