Med Star


professional daydreamer
I was at an appt with my daughter in Annapolis yesterday. I was telling the doc that our little hospital had really taken a dive since med star took over. He said "no comment", then we continued our discussion about hospital care, then he said that even Georgetown has gone downhill since med star took over.

I know a lot of people are dissatisfied with St Marys, but I can't deny that for a few years, they had it goin' on. Sadly, they've become the victim of big business, and it has gone downhill again.

I told her doc yesterday that we'll be in the neighborhood when daughter goes into labor.:whistle:


Well-Known Member
I was at an appt with my daughter in Annapolis yesterday. I was telling the doc that our little hospital had really taken a dive since med star took over. He said "no comment", then we continued our discussion about hospital care, then he said that even Georgetown has gone downhill since med star took over.

I know a lot of people are dissatisfied with St Marys, but I can't deny that for a few years, they had it goin' on. Sadly, they've become the victim of big business, and it has gone downhill again.

I told her doc yesterday that we'll be in the neighborhood when daughter goes into labor.:whistle:

SMH (Medstar)'s labor and delivery unit is still wonderful. I have a few friends that have given birth there recently and both had great experiences. :shrug:


professional daydreamer
SMH (Medstar)'s labor and delivery unit is still wonderful. I have a few friends that have given birth there recently and both had great experiences. :shrug:

My daughter is high risk, and will not be delivering at SMH.
My daughter is high risk, and will not be delivering at SMH.

:yeahthat: If I ever have another kid (which I don't plan on) I will not be going to SMH... I had to have a C-section ... the doc took out my drain too soon and I got a massive infection... Not sure if the hospital is to blame or just the doctor but they can kiss my ass. :coffee:


Football Mom!!!
The ER is horrible since Med Star took over. For a while there, it was in and out. Now...nah...pack a bag and plan on staying. Their billing sucks bad now too. They are admitting folks as 'Outpatient Observation' which means you are paying more out of pocket for the same care you would receive if you were 'Admitted'.


Throwing the deuces
SMH is fine with most stuff but they definitely don't know how to handle emergencies.

2004- brought my 10 day old baby to the ER as he's turning blue. They rushed me into a back room and tried to take him out of the carrier. I had to stop them as they had forgotten to undo the straps and were trying to pull him out of an unbuckled 5 point harness. They needed to put in a breathing tube. At least 3 doctors tried and couldn't do it (and yes, I realize doing this to a newborn is more difficult) but to watch them trying to jam that tube down my baby's throat nearly killed me.

2011- brought same kid in complaining of severe stomach pain. Did a CT scan and said he had a rupturned appendix. It was so severe that they wanted to air-lift him out. An hour later, no helicopter and now they were saying they were going to take him by ambulance. Another hour and an ambulance came but they couldn't transport him so they were going back to air-lifting him out. Another hour and then another ambulance came and took him. I could tell the nurses/doctors were a little nervous about my son's condition and it ended up getting him so nervous that he kept asking me if he was going to die.
SMH (Medstar)'s labor and delivery unit is still wonderful. I have a few friends that have given birth there recently and both had great experiences. :shrug:

I delivered at SMH last February, wonderful experience...though it hadn't been taken over by Medstar yet. This September I'm delivering there again (it's the only hospital my doctor delivers at), hoping to have the same great experience :smile:
I delivered at SMH last February, wonderful experience...though it hadn't been taken over by Medstar yet. This September I'm delivering there again (it's the only hospital my doctor delivers at), hoping to have the same great experience :smile:

:love: Good luck and prayers for you. ♥


professional daydreamer
I delivered at SMH last February, wonderful experience...though it hadn't been taken over by Medstar yet. This September I'm delivering there again (it's the only hospital my doctor delivers at), hoping to have the same great experience :smile:

I think, if you're having a normal delivery and there are no extenuating circumstances, that you should have no problems. In most cases, women don't even need docs/hospitals to have a baby. However, that's not the case with my daughter. I think she stands a better chance driving an hour away than she does at St Mary's, and from one of the posts above, we can see that relying on a fly-out could be detrimental.
SMH is fine with most stuff but they definitely don't know how to handle emergencies.

2004- brought my 10 day old baby to the ER as he's turning blue. They rushed me into a back room and tried to take him out of the carrier. I had to stop them as they had forgotten to undo the straps and were trying to pull him out of an unbuckled 5 point harness. They needed to put in a breathing tube. At least 3 doctors tried and couldn't do it (and yes, I realize doing this to a newborn is more difficult) but to watch them trying to jam that tube down my baby's throat nearly killed me.

2011- brought same kid in complaining of severe stomach pain. Did a CT scan and said he had a rupturned appendix. It was so severe that they wanted to air-lift him out. An hour later, no helicopter and now they were saying they were going to take him by ambulance. Another hour and an ambulance came but they couldn't transport him so they were going back to air-lifting him out. Another hour and then another ambulance came and took him. I could tell the nurses/doctors were a little nervous about my son's condition and it ended up getting him so nervous that he kept asking me if he was going to die.

OMG that's horrible!!

Actually, I will say that we had to bring our 3 day old baby back to the hospital and check in at the ER because he was jaundiced. They had us waiting there for about SEVEN HOURS before we finally got into a room. Dumb and dumber were trying to take his blood and give him an IV, it was horrible...they had no clue what they were doing and for some reason they couldn't get someone from the nursery (or whatever it's called, my brain's not working right, hehe) to come help out. Come on people, he's THREE DAYS OLD. We ended up having to stay for several days as they had him under the lights trying to get his levels down. The dumb nurse had to collect urine and put a bag on him, not realizing his stool would affect the sample, and when I thought we were going to be able to go home they said 'nope, gotta take another sample and this time we need to do a catheter'. My husband had to be at work so I was there alone, that's the only time I had to leave the room. I was so emotional anyway as a brand new Mom and I just stood in the bathroom and cried, it was so sad. Makes me wanna cry again just thinking about it :bawl:
:love: Good luck and prayers for you. ♥

Thank you :huggy:

I think, if you're having a normal delivery and there are no extenuating circumstances, that you should have no problems. In most cases, women don't even need docs/hospitals to have a baby. However, that's not the case with my daughter. I think she stands a better chance driving an hour away than she does at St Mary's, and from one of the posts above, we can see that relying on a fly-out could be detrimental.

I think you're right. And being somewhere you're comfortable and confident that you'll receive the care you need is really very important. Luckily I had no complications, hope the same for your daughter. Do you mind me asking why she's high risk? And, when is she due....Grandma? :wink:

Off topic...have you guys talked about what you'll be called? My Mom is "Grammy" :biggrin:


Throwing the deuces
OMG that's horrible!!

Actually, I will say that we had to bring our 3 day old baby back to the hospital and check in at the ER because he was jaundiced. They had us waiting there for about SEVEN HOURS before we finally got into a room. Dumb and dumber were trying to take his blood and give him an IV, it was horrible...they had no clue what they were doing and for some reason they couldn't get someone from the nursery (or whatever it's called, my brain's not working right, hehe) to come help out. Come on people, he's THREE DAYS OLD. We ended up having to stay for several days as they had him under the lights trying to get his levels down. The dumb nurse had to collect urine and put a bag on him, not realizing his stool would affect the sample, and when I thought we were going to be able to go home they said 'nope, gotta take another sample and this time we need to do a catheter'. My husband had to be at work so I was there alone, that's the only time I had to leave the room. I was so emotional anyway as a brand new Mom and I just stood in the bathroom and cried, it was so sad. Makes me wanna cry again just thinking about it :bawl:

Well, with the ruptured appendix, my son was taken to Georgetown University Hospital which is another MedStar place and it wasn't much better. Had some freaky student nurse who would stare at my son for several minutes at a time until somebody spoke up to break his gaze. Plus they kept saying that we could go home after he was back on solids and able to hold it down and had a nice bowel movement. After being on IVs and a liquid diet for several days, the first real meal they gave him were eggs. I thought that was strange because eggs don't seem like a normal transition food. He puked it up almost immediately and was back on liquids. The next time they tried, it was dry cereal and toast. Handled that much better.

Breaking point was after being there nearly a week and having one doctor tell us that we could go home that day, only to have another doctor say no and we had to stay another day. I had been at the hospital with my son 24/7 and just wanted to go home. I broke down and called my mom and told her I couldn't handle this and I just wanted to go home. She ended up coming to the hospital and keeping me company. To leave the hospital, they needed one more blood sample from my son. They tried to take blood from his IV, that didn't work. Then tried a vein in his arm, nope. Then from a vein in his hand, nope again. My son was screaming by this time and I was nearly in tears from exhausion, lack of sleep, etc. Finally got some from pricking his finger and we were out of there!!


professional daydreamer
Thank you :huggy:

I think you're right. And being somewhere you're comfortable and confident that you'll receive the care you need is really very important. Luckily I had no complications, hope the same for your daughter. Do you mind me asking why she's high risk? And, when is she due....Grandma? :wink:

Off topic...have you guys talked about what you'll be called? My Mom is "Grammy" :biggrin:

She has epilepsy. If she has a seizure during delivery, there could be serious complications. The medical facility should have a NICU. SMH doesn't, but the docs down here don't seem to be taking this as seriously as they should.

We haven't talked about what baby will call me, but I'm leaning toward Oma. It's easy to say.


Soul Probe
We haven't talked about what baby will call me, but I'm leaning toward Oma. It's easy to say.

That's my name for when grandbaby comes in August. I've never heard anyone around here use it, and it sounds less grandma-ish to me. That, and I'm half german.

I hope your daughter has an uneventful pregnancy and delivery.