Med Star

I just feel bad for you! I've known you forever and I didn't know you went through something like that (not even sure how common that can be)...

I almost died on the ####ing operating table. :huggy:

They made me sign papers stating I wouldn't sue should something happen to me. :jameo:
She has epilepsy. If she has a seizure during delivery, there could be serious complications. The medical facility should have a NICU. SMH doesn't, but the docs down here don't seem to be taking this as seriously as they should.

We haven't talked about what baby will call me, but I'm leaning toward Oma. It's easy to say.

I agree, they really should be taking her situation a lot more serious. Have they even talked about a plan, god forbid something like that were to happen?

I know an "Oma" :smile:

Thanks. I do, too. They have had to stop her labor a few times already. I don't know how much more adventure I can take :jet:

Oh wow, and they're still not taking it seriously?? I completely understand why you'd be skeptical with her delivering there. Good luck to her!


Well-Known Member
I almost died on the ####ing operating table. :huggy:

They made me sign papers stating I wouldn't sue should something happen to me. :jameo:

So they could've brought you back as a Terminator/cyborg and you didn't do it?!


What the hell is wrong with you!?!??!
I almost died on the ####ing operating table. :huggy:

They made me sign papers stating I wouldn't sue should something happen to me. :jameo:

Holy sheeeet! My Mom thought I was going to have a stroke while delivering. She said my chest up got really red all of a sudden, my fact got pale and under my eyes was dark (I'm sure that was attractive). She said she was so scared for "her baby" (me)...makes me tear up thinking about her having to see that. The doctor never did mention any of this to me, she was very, very quick to say "Okay, we need to get him out" and they didn't let hubby cut the cord :frown:

Even through all of that though, I'd say it was a pretty good experience. They took great care of us throughout everything. I was SO damn hungry, jebus!! They brought me a full dinner while I was still in the labor room, pasta and a HUGE jug of water....ahhh it was so good! :lol:
Holy sheeeet! My Mom thought I was going to have a stroke while delivering. She said my chest up got really red all of a sudden, my fact got pale and under my eyes was dark (I'm sure that was attractive). She said she was so scared for "her baby" (me)...makes me tear up thinking about her having to see that. The doctor never did mention any of this to me, she was very, very quick to say "Okay, we need to get him out" and they didn't let hubby cut the cord :frown:

Even through all of that though, I'd say it was a pretty good experience. They took great care of us throughout everything. I was SO damn hungry, jebus!! They brought me a full dinner while I was still in the labor room, pasta and a HUGE jug of water....ahhh it was so good! :lol:

I was on a clear liquid diet for 3 days :tantrum ...
Holy sheeeet! My Mom thought I was going to have a stroke while delivering. She said my chest up got really red all of a sudden, my fact got pale and under my eyes was dark (I'm sure that was attractive). She said she was so scared for "her baby" (me)...makes me tear up thinking about her having to see that. The doctor never did mention any of this to me, she was very, very quick to say "Okay, we need to get him out" and they didn't let hubby cut the cord :frown:

Even through all of that though, I'd say it was a pretty good experience. They took great care of us throughout everything. I was SO damn hungry, jebus!! They brought me a full dinner while I was still in the labor room, pasta and a HUGE jug of water....ahhh it was so good! :lol:

And the best part was when they asked... "would you like a chaplain (or whatever they called him) to visit before we take you in?"

avatar29956_50.gif What!?! Why would I want a chaplain visit?!:cds:


Active Member
The ER is horrible since Med Star took over. For a while there, it was in and out. Now...nah...pack a bag and plan on staying. Their billing sucks bad now too. They are admitting folks as 'Outpatient Observation' which means you are paying more out of pocket for the same care you would receive if you were 'Admitted'.

They are doing what the insurance tells them to do...I read an article about that not to long ago...sorry state of affairs we are into.....


professional daydreamer
I agree, they really should be taking her situation a lot more serious. Have they even talked about a plan, god forbid something like that were to happen?

No, they have not. She hasn't even gotten them to respond to basic questions. This is the group that Poco is with.

Oh wow, and they're still not taking it seriously?? I completely understand why you'd be skeptical with her delivering there. Good luck to her!

Nope. Last time she was in, the med they gave her to stop labor almost caused a seizure. When grandpa asked if they knew what would happen if she had a seizure, they were clueless. Well, the first thing that's going to happen is that the baby will be deprived of oxygen for the duration of the seizure. These people are phuckin' useless.
I was on a clear liquid diet for 3 days :tantrum ...

And the best part was when they asked... "would you like a chaplain (or whatever they called him) to visit before we take you in?"

View attachment 95042 What!?! Why would I want a chaplain visit?!:cds:

Liquid only? Oh hell no! :frown:

They started induction on Wednesday night for me but the medicine they used didn't work well with the baby and his heart rate dropped (he was okay) so they took it out and just started with pitocin Thursday morning and by 5pm when I'd only dilated one centimeter they decided to stop the pitocin and let me eat (yayyy! lol). They got me up at like 5am on Friday to start pitocin again but gave me an epidural early so they could increase the strength of the pitocin to really get me going. Anyway, that damn epidural wore off several times and they had to come 'boost' it, or whatever they said (basically, they put more medicine in), but by the time I was ready to push it had worn off again, though surely not completely though...I would imagine. I started pushing at 6:15 and had him at 6:59pm. It hurt but it was such an amazing experience :smile: Oh and I think they had my food in the room by 7:30 or so....surely I finished it by 7:35 :lol:

And if they would've asked if I wanted a chaplain I would've freaked out, how scary for you! :frown:

My 2nd cousin happened to be in the hospital the next day and came to visit when I was alone (hubby went to pick up more food, hehe) and breast feeding. I didn't recognize him when he walked in, I actually thought he was a chaplain/priest :lol: talk about awkward, my boob was all out :jet:

As long as there's no needles involved... then no problem.


No needles during a delivery? Awwwww you're cute! :lol:
No, they have not. She hasn't even gotten them to respond to basic questions. This is the group that Poco is with.

Nope. Last time she was in, the med they gave her to stop labor almost caused a seizure. When grandpa asked if they knew what would happen if she had a seizure, they were clueless. Well, the first thing that's going to happen is that the baby will be deprived of oxygen for the duration of the seizure. These people are phuckin' useless.

Sh!t, I wouldn't deliver there either. Seems they're not "getting it"...eff that and eff them :yay:
Liquid only? Oh hell no! :frown:

My 2nd cousin happened to be in the hospital the next day and came to visit when I was alone (hubby went to pick up more food, hehe) and breast feeding. I didn't recognize him when he walked in, I actually thought he was a chaplain/priest :lol: talk about awkward, my boob was all out :jet:

No needles during a delivery? Awwwww you're cute! :lol:

This happened when my coworker came to visit me. :blushing: I have never moved so fast to cover myself up in my life.
This happened when my coworker came to visit me. :blushing: I have never moved so fast to cover myself up in my life.

Was it a guy or a girl? This was a guy and I hadn't seen him in awhile so I didn't even recognize him. Not to mention he just walked in, no knocking or anything :jet:

I mean, I didn't 'care-care' because he's such a sweet, respectful man...but still, my titty ball was out! :lol:
Was it a guy or a girl? This was a guy and I hadn't seen him in awhile so I didn't even recognize him. Not to mention he just walked in, no knocking or anything :jet:

I mean, I didn't 'care-care' because he's such a sweet, respectful man...but still, my titty ball was out! :lol:

It was a guy... and I was half asleep so I didn't even hear him tap on the door or anything. :ohwell: He acted like he didn't see anything but I know he did... :banghead:


I bowl overhand
I almost died on the ####ing operating table. :huggy:

They made me sign papers stating I wouldn't sue should something happen to me. :jameo:

What time of day did you have your C-Section??

It seems to me that everyone I know that was in labor late at night at SMH their, or their baby's, life was in danger and they had to have a C-Section.

in fact we had a nurse come whisper in our ear about 8PM saying "It's getting late, you're going to need a C-Section"


Throwing the deuces
Kinda :offtopic: but with all this talk about breast-feeding, it reminded me of something my then 3 yr old used to say. I had a hard time breast-feeding so I would pump. When I'd go into our room to do it, I'd lock the door so my 3 yr old wouldn't walk in. He'd knocked on the door and say, "Hey Mom.. are you milking your boobs again??" :killingme
Kinda :offtopic: but with all this talk about breast-feeding, it reminded me of something my then 3 yr old used to say. I had a hard time breast-feeding so I would pump. When I'd go into our room to do it, I'd lock the door so my 3 yr old wouldn't walk in. He'd knocked on the door and say, "Hey Mom.. are you milking your boobs again??" :killingme

What time of day did you have your C-Section??

It seems to me that everyone I know that was in labor late at night at SMH their, or their baby's, life was in danger and they had to have a C-Section.

in fact we had a nurse come whisper in our ear about 8PM saying "It's getting late, you're going to need a C-Section"

My son was removed at 19:07.... :coffee: