Media Corruption


PREMO Member

Media Push Misleading Crime Stats To Protect Democrat Narrative

During the debate, Mr. Muir noted: “President Trump, as you know, the FBI says overall violent crime is coming down in this country.” But Mr. Muir would have been much more accurate if he said that the number of crimes reported to police fell, which isn’t the same as total crime. He might also have conceded, as Trump pointed out in his response, that fewer than half of police departments reported complete data to the FBI in 2022.

Since victims don’t report most crimes, the NCVS was set up over fifty years ago to get a measure of total crime. The survey interviews 240,000 people each year.

Since 2020, total serious violent crime (rape, robbery, and aggravated assault), the categories that correspond to the FBI’s measure of violent crime, has soared. Total violent crime was 55.4% higher in 2023 than when the Biden-Harris administration took office. Rapes were up by 42%, robbery by 63%, and aggravated assault by 55%.

The increases during the Biden-Harris administration are by far the largest percentage increases over any three-year period on record, more than doubling the previous record.

Even after several days, the media has failed to mention these huge increases.

The Associated Press ran a “fact check” on Friday after President Trump held a press conference in California. Relying on a statement from the Bureau of Justice Statistics’ acting director that while the rate of violent victimizations in 2023 was higher than it was in 2020 and 2021, it was not statistically different from the pre-COVID rate in 2019, when Trump was president.

Note they don’t mention whether the rate is statistically different than in 2020 or 2021. Nor do they mention how large the increases are. Trump’s point was that violent crime had increased during the Biden-Harris administration. The rate in 2022 was statistically significantly higher than in either of those previous years. The violent crime rate in 2022 and 2023 was also significantly higher.

Total felonious violent crime increased by 19% from 2019 to 2023, and there is only one other time when the increase over four years was larger.


PREMO Member

'Full Throttle': Mark Robinson Fires Back Against CNN Over 'Salacious, False' Report, Reveals Next Steps

As RedState reported, North Carolina Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson's gubernatorial campaign was rocked last Thursday after CNN broke a story that alleged the Republican nominee made controversial posts on a pornography website between 2008 and 2012.

Among the alleged comments was one where a person using the online handle "minisoldr” declared themselves to be a "black Nazi." The account holder also allegedly said they were a "perv" who supported bringing back slavery, enjoyed watching porn featuring transgender women and women, and had peeped on teenage girls.

In a video statement released ahead of the report dropping, Robinson said "The things that you will see in that story, those are not the words of Mark Robinson. You know my words, you know my character, and you know that I have been completely transparent in this race and before."

In an update to this story, Robinson made a campaign stop in Wilkesboro, NC Monday, where he was pressed by reporters over the allegations as well as news that a number of campaign staffers including some in senior positions resigned over the weekend.

Here's how Robinson responded when he was asked if he had "taken steps" to prove his claim that CNN had published falsehoods:

“We absolutely are. We absolutely are. We’re in talks right now, everything up to legal counsel to take CNN to task for what they have done to us. We are going after them, okay? We are going to go after them for what they’ve done. But we have five weeks left in this race, folks. Make no mistake about it: We are not going to let CNN throw us off of our mission."

He also emphasized what he said was the need to focus on what's happening right now, not "15 or 20-year-old salacious, false lies.”


Earlier, Robinson posted this to the Twitter/X machine, vowing to "leave no stone unturned" in holding "CNN accountable for perpetrating these lies":



PREMO Member

Corrupt ‘Reporters’ Like Olivia Nuzzi Are Destroying Democracy

Conspiracy of Silence’​

What specifically happened between Kennedy and Nuzzi is largely irrelevant, except as salacious gossip. Far more weighty are Nuzzi’s actions — or, more specifically, her inactions — after this relationship commenced.

In July, Nuzzi wrote a story about the “conspiracy of silence” surrounding Joe Biden’s declining health. (The story is still pinned to the top of her Twitter profile.) In the story, Nuzzi admitted that she began hearing disturbing stories about Biden’s increasing mental and physical fragility beginning in January. However, she didn’t publish the story until early July — after the disastrous presidential debate that ultimately forced Biden to end his campaign.

At the time, Nuzzi tried to defend herself from critics accusing her of suppressing the story by saying that “reporting takes time,” and that she had used the intervening six months to compile enough solid evidence for a story.


Even at the time, such claims seemed highly suspicious. In the July story, Nuzzi discussed events she personally witnessed at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner in April, when Biden had, to her eyes, seemed very out-of-sorts. She had no reason not to publish that information at the time, even if she couldn’t include additional details from sources who refused to provide corroboration for a published story. Last week’s revelations tear those already-flimsy excuses entirely to shreds.


PREMO Member

CNN Anchor TRIGGERED After Vivek Ramaswamy Calls Her Out For REFUSING To Fact Check Kamala Harris!​



PREMO Member

FBI Releases Crime Report Statistics For 2023

Summary from the AllSides News Team​

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) on Monday released crime totals for 2023, estimating that reported violent crime had decreased 3% year-over-year, murder and non-negligent manslaughter dropped 11.6%, rapes dropped 9.4%, hate crimes rose 2%, and auto theft rose 12.6%.
For Context: In 2021, the FBI transitioned to a "more robust" crime data collection system from an older version with "limited information." Therefore, year-to-year comparisons are only valid for 2021 and later, or 2020 and earlier. Although the statistics cover 94% of the U.S. population, some police departments do not report their crime numbers to the FBI.

Other Estimates: A piece in Wall Street Journal Opinion (Lean Right bias) said a Bureau of Justice Statistics survery was more reliable than the FBI's and showed "no statistically significant evidence that violent crime or property crime is dropping in America." The independent Real-Time Crime Index takes monthly samples of police reports instead of using estimated yearly totals; it shows a decrease in violent crime and an increase in property crime from 2022 to 2023.

How the Media Covered It: Monday's data release was covered widely from the left and center, but sparsely on the right. Washington Times (Lean Right) called the figures "reported crime" in its headline, implying doubt that they represent true crime rates. Daily Kos (Left) called out the "nearly 12%" drop in murders, which the New York Times (Lean Left) called a "steep decline." The Hill (Center) mentioned Republicans who have "seized on crime as a campaign issue" and portrayed the FBI data as countering their claims that "violent crime has surged."


PREMO Member

Ken Klippenstein just published the Iranian dossier on JD Vance, which includes his private personal details, personal phone numbers, family details and more under the guise of “journalism.”

Klippenstein doxxed JD Vance.

Publishing information from a foreign adversary that was obtained through criminal means for the sake of interfering in the election should result in him getting banned.

The document lists JD Vance’s social security number, family home address, phone number and other private information. The information of his wife is also in the document.

Klippenstein, who also shares disinfo and fake news on X, is evading the ban through his @klipnewsorg account. He defends his publishing and sharing access to the content on X.

Left-wing writers have been celebrating and sharing the publishing of the content stolen by Iranian terrorists.




PREMO Member
So, what exactly angered Ms. Amanpour?

During an exclusive interview with Fox & Friends, former First Lady Melania Trump spoke to the recent assassination attempts against her husband while calling it in part: “…really shocking that all this egregious violence goes against my husband. Especially when we hear the leaders from the opposition party and mainstream media branding him as a threat to democracy, calling him vile names, they are only fueling a toxic atmosphere and giving power to all of these people that they want to harm him. This needs to stop. This needs to stop. The country needs to unite.”

Amen, Melania Trump. All normal Americans with normal human decency applaud your words and sympathize with your genuinely traumatic experience.

And yet those deeply personal and common-sense words spoken by a wife who was terrified she may have just lost her husband have seemingly set off Ms. Amanpour, who posted on X: “Mrs. Trump is mistaken, political violence is not the fault of the ‘mainstream media,’ and I wish she would take back this false and dangerous accusation.”

Take back her “false and dangerous accusation.” Are you kidding me?

Seriously, in what alternate universe of reality does Ms. Amanpour reside? Does she not know that many in her “profession” have openly labeled themselves as part of the “resistance” against Trump? Does she not read the words some of them continually write and speak, comparing former President Trump to "Hitler," a "dictator," and a "totalitarian" who will “crush democracy.” Does she truly not believe that such words could set off a troubled mind?

Why is Ms. Amanpour not calling out those in her own profession who have leveled these completely false, ugly, and truly inflammatory words at President Trump for almost a decade? Literally thousands and thousands of words of unhinged hate directed at the former president by those who pretend to be in the “news” business.



PREMO Member

@greggutfeld rips DNC media coverup of bombshell ICE report of 425,000 illegal immigrants who are convicted criminals being released into the US:

This is “the biggest crime story I've ever seen…they would rather you die or be r*ped than Trump be right."

GUTFELD: "Tell us, no, it's not 60,000 rapists. It's only 8000. It's only 7000 m*rderers. Cool. I'm glad you're okay with that. I'm glad. I'll take your fact check. But anybody who defends this or says it's not that big a deal is complicit. And they should be held accountable.

These bastards were more offended by stories of cats being eaten than real stories. Real stories reported here of actual rape and murder."

Dead on.



PREMO Member

Dems can only escape Kamala Harris’ woeful record by censoring bad news of admin’s failures

Misinfo on disinfo​

With damning facts piling up about Harris’ woeful record, the Dems’ only escape route is to censor bad news about the border, the economy and other failures of the Biden-Harris administration and try to bury Harris’ history of radical pronouncements which put the lie to her new fake persona as a moderate.

This is why you have heard two former secretaries of state, Hillary Clinton and John Kerry, bemoaning the existence of the First Amendment in recent days, using similar language about the need to “break the fever” of disinformation by electing Harris.

Clinton has even called for criminal sanctions against Americans who share “misinformation.”

Of course, disinformation or misinformation is whatever Democrats find inconvenient, as we learned when the New York Post’s accurate reporting about Hunter Biden’s laptop was censored before the 2020 election because it was damaging to his father’s presidential campaign.

Kerry, not being the brightest tool in the Dem shed, let the cat out of the bag Wednesday in a World Economic Forum panel on Green Energy during the UN gabfest in New York City.

Referring to “climate misinformation,” Biden’s former globe-trotting climate czar launched the most astonishing diatribe attacking freedom of speech which he claims is the only thing standing in the way of “consensus” — a k a the Democrat narrative.

“The dislike of and anguish over social media is just growing and growing,” said Kerry. “It is part of our problem, particularly in democracies, in terms of building consensus around any issue.

“It’s really hard to govern today.”