Media Fawning


No Use for Donk Twits


  • 06-17-08.jpg
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Larry Gude

Strung Out


Many of these folks came of age during the '60's when the dreams of Kennedy held sway; Jack and then Bobby. That's how they saw politics; possibilities, dreams, change. Not; sound economy. Stability. Boring but competent government.

Sadly, the mistakes of the last 7 years have all but removed the argument that the GOP is the party of competent adults. So, the lids off and the national block party is a coming!


No Use for Donk Twits
Neither party is competent at the moment. I'm probably going to consider how each candidate can least hurt the country, imo.

Obama is a great reader, poor speaker off the cuff, piss poor on policy, wants change but hires Washington insiders.

McCain is a poor reader, good speaker off the cuff, piss poor on policy, wants change if it's him, hires Washington insiders.

Pretty poor choice of folks to head the Executive Branch.


No Use for Donk Twits
All paid for by the 'rich'!

'Rich' - being able to make it on one's own without government assistance.


Well-Known Member
Neither party is competent at the moment. I'm probably going to consider how each candidate can least hurt the country, imo.

Pretty poor choice of folks to head the Executive Branch.

That's funny...I've been saying exactly the same thing for several elections now. Voted Libertarian since the '70s, but that's more of a protest vote. I think McCain will hurt the country equally as badly as Nobama, but at least the money the gov't will be stealing from me won't be going to people who refuse to work for a living. For the most part.


No Use for Donk Twits
That's funny...I've been saying exactly the same thing for several elections now. Voted Libertarian since the '70s, but that's more of a protest vote. I think McCain will hurt the country equally as badly as Nobama, but at least the money the gov't will be stealing from me won't be going to people who refuse to work for a living. For the most part.

I will probably decide based on what choices they'd make regarding judicial appointments. I'm getting tired of justices who consider 'foreign law' over the Constitution, who believe the Constitution is a 'living' document, that they can change at will and those that legislate from the bench, overstepping their bounds. Since they are appointed, not elected, and serve for life, this is one of the major considerations I'm pondering.