Meeting Females


migtig said:
You think it's your bebe instead of smooth's :confused:

Possibly, we were both Marines. Did you happen to stop by the barracks one night? Marines look out for their own. Semper Fi :p Mousebaby and mvprincess can tell you all about us :)


I bowl overhand
smoothmarine187 said:
Come on, you know I would at least take you to Arby's or something nice like that.......Chic Filet.....
But your cheap azz wouldn't let her supersize for another $.39..


"Fluffy world destroyer"
sockgirl77 said:
Dear Dutchie,
Please remove the stick out of your ass.
Dear Ms Nasty,
The only "Stick" up my ass was put there by you.
Learn to judge yourself before you judge others.


Well-Known Member
Dutch6 said:
Dear Ms Nasty,
The only "Stick" up my ass was put there by you.
Learn to judge yourself before you judge others.
I judge myself based on this. I take care of my kids. I take care of myself. The end.