I'm the Boss of Me
Anyone got kidney failure yet? Anyone want a stronger FDA that actually protects its citizens?
38 poultry farms in Indiana given tainted feed
Some chickens likely in food supply, but human risk is low, government says
MSNBC News Services
Updated: 9:09 p.m. ET April 30, 2007
WASHINGTON - The U.S. government said on Monday 38 poultry farms in Indiana were given contaminated feed containing melamine in early February, with some of the animals likely to have entered the food supply.
The Agriculture Department and the Food and Drug Administration said in a joint statement that officials learned of the link between the chicken feed and tainted pet food as part of the investigation into imported rice protein concentrate and wheat gluten that have been found to contain the industrial chemical melamine and related compounds.
38 poultry farms in Indiana given tainted feed
Some chickens likely in food supply, but human risk is low, government says
MSNBC News Services
Updated: 9:09 p.m. ET April 30, 2007
WASHINGTON - The U.S. government said on Monday 38 poultry farms in Indiana were given contaminated feed containing melamine in early February, with some of the animals likely to have entered the food supply.
The Agriculture Department and the Food and Drug Administration said in a joint statement that officials learned of the link between the chicken feed and tainted pet food as part of the investigation into imported rice protein concentrate and wheat gluten that have been found to contain the industrial chemical melamine and related compounds.