Extremely thought provoking and interesting video.
Many of the truths relayed in this video, I thought, were self-evident, but it seems that they are not. I highly recommend watching it with an open mind.
Right around 15:00-15:30, it starts to get pretty enlightening.
Nothing is self evident to a 'real' guy about our role and relationship with one another as guys. She is dead on about what motivates us and when someone says it we go 'Yeah!" but, when we're being shamed to go die in a war for the chance to be thought of as a 'worthy' guy, we're not realizing it at the time OR we would say "#### YOU!". We're guys. We don't think about that stuff. It HAS to be pointed out or, before we know it, we're lined up shoulder to shoulder, getting mowed down, wondering how the hell we got here.
Same thing with all this other stuff. The ONLY reason we have a society where marriage is less and less a good idea for guys is because guys MADE things this way because we thought, think, this is what women want, ie, we were shamed into it.
And, now, we're sitting here in this mess we made in order to impress women and we sift through it trying to make sense of it.
I mean, look at Obama. This is why men do not admire or respect him; he is a woman without a womb ( a line I loved, btw, makes perfect sense). Obama is, truly, besides his $.10 ability to ejaculate, useless as a man and therefore, the PERFECT president for our age. Perfect in the sense that he is the penultimate representation of all that we messed up.
Now, look at Bush; a little boy. Guys like him because he landed on a carrier, something we'd all love to do. But, it's a childish thing for a president to do. But, we, at 30 years of age, play video games so, it's cool! Further, we like George because he can operate a chain saw. He doesn't throw or bowl or hold a gun like a girl. He is a 'guy'. But, like Obama, he's not doing anything to win, to be the guy who can fix things, protect the family, change the oil. He did things based on the female expectation. Even war, the ultimate guy thing, he fought it with the expectations of wanting to offend women as little as possible.
Our jobs, the respect of being a master plumber, carpenter, electrician, THE man who can do things, know things, all gone to being able to manage an IT environment; excellent clerks, filers and sorters. Glorified librarians.
Look at our leaders. There are no Goldwaters any more. No Ike. No guy guys.
We have McCain and McConnell and Boehner and Cantor and Ryan and Cruz and Rubio. Would you call any of them if you needed to fix something? To shoot a wolf?
Interesting video.