Men now allowed to use the ladies room


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
bohman said:
You are 100% correct. I've paid my dues with that sort of job as well, and I was beyond shocked to realize that the womens' bathroom was terrible. Makes sense if you think about it though. Women will socialize and perform all sorts of bodily functions in there; they are there long enough they should be paying rent. Whereas men get in and out of those places in the least possible time, touching the least amount of items possible in the process.

That was OFTEN true of the restrooms I had to clean up - except for the occasional dookie to remove from the urinal in the men's room. Women's rooms had more trash on the floor, more cig butts and I eventually gave up fixing the toilet roll dispenser, because it was obvious after a while that they rolled it out by smacking it hard rather than just pulling it out.

And yeah, there was all that other stuff.

But I think the men's room was cleaner because there weren't as many men using it as women were using theirs. If we'd had two women's rooms, it might have been about the same.


New Member
LordStanley said:
Ok, if this is how things are going to be or become, then we need new rules and signs for bathrooms.....

If you have a penis (natural or plastic surgery) then use the bathroom that has the sign shaped like a schlong.

If you have a Ba-gina (natural or plastic surgery) then use the one that looks like a big cameltoe

:jameo: :killingme


Salt Life
bcp said:
The Metropolitan Transportation Authority agreed to allow riders to use MTA rest rooms "consistent with their gender expression," the Transgender Legal Defense and Education Fund announced yesterday.

All I have to say is that when my wife or daughter are using a public LADIES room, I will have no choice but to disable any man that wants to wander in with them. regardless of what he is wearing.
I'll sometimes use the mens room at a club/bar because the line for the ladies room can get outrageous! :faint: Most of the time it is just a one-stall bathroom, so there is never anyone else in there. Though, I have used public mens restrooms where it is a multiple stall and the guys never had a problem. :shrug: