A proud Conservative!
Say, is their any law against Metal Detecting in a St. Mary's County Public Park?
I think there is a law against stealing items located in public parks
Yea, I just found this in the forum:
"...(Note to all: metal detecting is illegal in all Maryland State Parks (very few exceptions) and all federal historic sites)...."
Oh well!
That is State Parks, what about County Parks or beaches?
I've detected on local beaches many years ago, and never had a problem. But they may have changed that now. I don't know.
Thanks toppick08. Unfortunately, IF there is a problem I will be the only one in the State of Maryland to get caught!
Say, is their any law against Metal Detecting in a St. Mary's County Public Park?
You can metal detect in County Parks, but you cannot dig holes....
Definitely not in state parks.
I'm sure looking for change at Elms beach is viewed differently then trowling up civil war uniform buttons at Point Lookout