Mexican Immigrants


Mexican Immigrants boycott American owned businesses in Prince William County VA that are not immigrant owned.Per Fox 5 News.
I wonder if Maryland is next? Americans should boycott Mexican owned businesses and the companys that hire them. I think that the America that I know needs to put them back in their place :wench:


raven said:
Mexican Immigrants boycott American owned businesses in Prince William County VA that are not immigrant owned.Per Fox 5 News.
I wonder if Maryland is next? Americans should boycott Mexican owned businesses and the company's that hire them. I think that the America that I know needs to put them back in their place :wench:

Lets Boycott Mexicans ........... :lmao: I wonder if these are illegal immigrants :whistle:


Well-Known Member
raven said:
Mexican Immigrants boycott American owned businesses in Prince William County VA that are not immigrant owned.Per Fox 5 News.
I wonder if Maryland is next? Americans should boycott Mexican owned businesses and the companys that hire them. I think that the America that I know needs to put them back in their place :wench:

Well, I don't think any ILLEGAL aliens own businesses that we can boycott. And to boycott a business purely because the person who owns it happens to be of Mexican decent is somewhat racist don't you think?

Wouldn't it be a better idea to go to Prince William County and support those businesses being boycotted?

Just a thought.


Highlander's MPD
raven said:
Mexican Immigrants boycott American owned businesses in Prince William County VA that are not immigrant owned.Per Fox 5 News.
I wonder if Maryland is next? Americans should boycott Mexican owned businesses and the companys that hire them. I think that the America that I know needs to put them back in their place :wench:

Why are they boycotting non Mexican businesses? I enjoy finding a hispanic store or a oriental store full of different kinds of foods, etc. Except for the seaweed wrappers I found at the Korean store in Glen Burnie, I usually am quite pleasently surprised trying authentic foods from other countries. I'm not sure how to react to this story. What is their problem with non mexican stores?
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Dork said:
Why are they boycotting non Mexican businesses? I enjoy finding a hispanic store or a oriental store full of different kinds of foods, etc. Except for the seaweed wrappers I found at the Korean store in Glen Burnie, I usually am quite pleasently surprised trying authentic foods from other countries. I'm not sure how to react to this story. What is their problem with non mexican stores?

I think they are trying to prove a point that the USA can't survive without them. All I am saying is if they come over to the USA do it legal and obide by our laws.


Highlander's MPD
Lenny said:
Don't you believe that the group's name, Mexicans Without Borders, tells us all what their bottom-line demands are?

I really do like the hispanic people and relatives I know but I must admit we are going to have problems in this country in years to come. Does anyone else see this? We had friends over yesterday. The wife is from South America but has lived here for 25 years. She has a master's degree and is a very intelligent person. It really suprised me when she brought up the subject of hispanic/latino immigration. She was concerned. I guess I could go on but I won't. Just wait about 10 years and remember I said "I told you so!"


Ubi bene ibi patria
raven said:
Mexican Immigrants boycott American owned businesses in Prince William County VA that are not immigrant owned.Per Fox 5 News.
I wonder if Maryland is next? Americans should boycott Mexican owned businesses and the companys that hire them. I think that the America that I know needs to put them back in their place :wench:

You poor sod, perhaps you meant Hispanic owned businesses. I'm sure that you can name at least one company who has hired a Mexican owned business. But then, anything is possible in this crazy world of ours.

Its probably a revelation to you, but not all brown people come from Mexico. Your post may have been a weak attempt at humour directed at Mexicans so the attachment may help you identify who all those brown people living and working in Maryland are.


  • MDHispanics.pdf
    14 KB · Views: 57



nhboy said:
You poor sod, perhaps you meant Hispanic owned businesses. I'm sure that you can name at least one company who has hired a Mexican owned business. But then, anything is possible in this crazy world of ours.

Its probably a revelation to you, but not all brown people come from Mexico. Your post may have been a weak attempt at humour directed at Mexicans so the attachment may help you identify who all those brown people living and working in Maryland are.

I am afraid that they are going to flush them out of VA right into


Resident PIA
RadioPatrol said:
Lets Boycott Mexicans ........... :lmao: I wonder if these are illegal immigrants :whistle:
It has been requested that we stop using the phrase "Illegal Immagrants". They are not "illegal", nor are they undocumented. They are in this country via alternative entry methods and have been patiently waiting for the paper work to catch up to them.


dont be dumb
raven said:
Mexican Immigrants boycott American owned businesses in Prince William County VA that are not immigrant owned.Per Fox 5 News.
I wonder if Maryland is next? Americans should boycott Mexican owned businesses and the companys that hire them. I think that the America that I know needs to put them back in their place :wench:

The america that you know is changing. Do you think these businesses want your money? Hello.... you dont even live in those neighborhoods. Your chump change wont be missed. We should boycott companies that dont follow the law and hire illeglas. Boycott companies like FORD, for opening plants in mexico in the first place. And just what place is it that you want to put "them" in?


raven said:
Mexican Immigrants boycott American owned businesses in Prince William County VA that are not immigrant owned.

Holy crap.

Now that they've lowered the boom, I wonder how many of these businesses will fold. It can only be a matter of days.


tom88 said:
Wouldn't it be a better idea to go to Prince William County and support those businesses being boycotted?

Just a thought.

I havn't read this whole thread, but did want to put in my two cents. My parents own their own business (in construction) in Dale City (Pr. William County) Business used to be really good and always busy with bids and new jobs, etc... (extensive residential work). Then the influx of mexican people moved into their neighborhood and all over Dale City (one of many). The phones literally stopped ringing for work, and things were hard. (One poll on tv said the fastest growing Latino population is in Pr. William County - they took top spot in all of America).

Then, as a result of overcrowded roads they put a moritorium on not buiding any more new houses (again my father felt the bite). My father explained it to me saying the roads weren't really the problem. The problem was with all the Mexicans now in Dale City (Pr. William County, there were about 2 or 3 (and some situation more) more families living per house hold. You could drive down any street in Dale City and see cars all over the road and yards that were turned into parking lots (thereby - more cars per household because of families living together and thereby more traffic on the roads that weren't expecting to have so many families in one community,etc..). After the moritorium went into effect practically all fo them started moving out of the neighborhood. It was so bad that last time I went it was literally 6 or 7 houses for every 10 that you saw had "For Sale" signs out front. Then demand for the "For Sale" signs were in demand. They didn't have enough to go around. People started makign their own signs out of cardboard and some with wood.

I have nothing against Mexicans, but where my Dad lived, they came took over and in his line of work, if anyone needed anything fixed, built, renovated or added onto in their houses, they'd (Mexican's) would rather call their friend, cousin, uncle, nephew, brother, brother in law, etc... and the phones stopped ringing for new work. The influx of the Latino race was gradual but then became more and more and more and was putting him out of buisness. I thought the moratorium would really hurt my father, but in the end, the phone is ringing again and he's getting work again. I'm not sure where they all went, but at least he's back in business and just playing catch up at this point.

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The sad thing about mexicans without borders is that if those people had put half that effort into improving their own country, they wouldn't have had a reason to come here in the first place.
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Well-Known Member
dems4me said:
The influx of the Latino race was gradual but then became more and more and more and was putting him out of buisness. I thought the moratorium would really hurt my father, but in the end, the phone is ringing again and he's getting work again. I'm not sure where they all went, but at least he's back in business and just playing catch up at this point.

My only point is there are many people here of Mexican, Hispanic descent. Lets not take things out on those Americans who were either born here or came here legally and started busineses. I know several Hispanic Americans serving their country, in places of leadership and doing the grunt work. How ignorant is it of us to condemn people soley based on their race, as one of the first post suggested.


I'm just saying, I've seen it happen first hand - the effects of them taking over a community.

I had no beef with your post Tom, :shrug: I agree, and for a while my parents were one of those I felt were being boycotted, although I don't know it was intentional or not - the phones stopped ringing no matter what the intention was :shrug: Mexicans tend to do labor cheaper and folks tend to want cheaper labor, maybe its because some arn't paying taxes (if they are illegal) or whether its because they don't have as much debt (because famlies of this culture are living 3-4 per house and rent or mortgage, utilities, etc.. is split by 3 or 4 people) - can't tell me they weren't - I could tell by teh 6 or 7 cars per driveway. :shrug:

Whether its an out and out boycot being declared I don't think matters. (Althoguh I am against it obviously). Folks want to go with the cheaper labor, and if they don't speak English, they want someone they can communite with and thereby hire someone that speaks their language whether it be a friend, neighbor or family member. :shrug: When you have such a large influx in a community such as Pr. William Count, folks know each other and they develop a system within their own mexican community - there's a jack for all trades is what I'm saying. Why give their money to a stranger (American like my Dad) when cousin Raul three streets down can do the same job, and probably cheaper and speak the language. :shrug:


Bookseller Lady
tom88 said:
My only point is there are many people here of Mexican, Hispanic descent. Lets not take things out on those Americans who were either born here or came here legally and started busineses. I know several Hispanic Americans serving their country, in places of leadership and doing the grunt work. How ignorant is it of us to condemn people soley based on their race, as one of the first post suggested.

And a good chunk of our enlisted men and women are Hispanic. Quite a few have died in the Iraq War.