I'm just saying, I've seen it happen first hand - the effects of them taking over a community.
I had no beef with your post Tom, :shrug: I agree, and for a while my parents were one of those I felt were being boycotted, although I don't know it was intentional or not - the phones stopped ringing no matter what the intention was :shrug: Mexicans tend to do labor cheaper and folks tend to want cheaper labor, maybe its because some arn't paying taxes (if they are illegal) or whether its because they don't have as much debt (because famlies of this culture are living 3-4 per house and rent or mortgage, utilities, etc.. is split by 3 or 4 people) - can't tell me they weren't - I could tell by teh 6 or 7 cars per driveway. :shrug:
Whether its an out and out boycot being declared I don't think matters. (Althoguh I am against it obviously). Folks want to go with the cheaper labor, and if they don't speak English, they want someone they can communite with and thereby hire someone that speaks their language whether it be a friend, neighbor or family member. :shrug: When you have such a large influx in a community such as Pr. William Count, folks know each other and they develop a system within their own mexican community - there's a jack for all trades is what I'm saying. Why give their money to a stranger (American like my Dad) when cousin Raul three streets down can do the same job, and probably cheaper and speak the language. :shrug: