Mfume Announces 2006 Senate Bid


Well-Known Member
JAO...I wish you were right...but,

Marylanders really don't have a clue about leadership.
This is the state that produces Spiro Agnew,...Glendenning... Troll Mikulski and many others. I mean it would be nice to get Keyes in...but the majority of the state is really pandering to the left "what's in it for me" crowd. Sad...but that is the reality.

JAO Barry

New Member
Keyes to Victory

I believe that the Ambasador Alan Keyes will easily defeat any oponent in either the primary or general election. Amb. Keyes has never lost a debate and his extrodinary oratory will awaken much grass roots support and allegiance to his moral crusade. I believe that the Senate and perhaps ultimately the Presidency is Amb. Keyes destiny.


New Member
Can you do Amb. Keyes in private JAQ Berry...seriously this is just disturbing; you have NO sense of political practicality. Sad!


New Member
BTW, how is Amb. Keyes' daughter who was forced out his house because she's a "hedonist." What a loving man!!! I want him to be my senator!!


Well-Known Member
It is love Rraley

Biblical love. His Daughter has chosen a path that is an abhorrent lifestyle, a health risk,...a defiance to parents, and a sin before God. She KNOWS the right path-and has chosen otherwise. Keyes is a man of his word, unflinching, uncompromising. He lives what he believes. This is baffling to the world. (to you?)
I would have done the same thing.
Sadly, this makes it harder to be elected in this fallen age.
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Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
rraley said:
Haha, is Alan Keyes from Illinois or Maryland?

Give it up will never win office.
That would be a shame. I don't like the "carpet bagging", but I have spoken with Alan Keyes at some length. He, John McCain, and I were at a meeting together for Republican insiders (I was invited because of a group I was a member of.). Alan Keyes is a very intelligent man and is in favor of a return to requiring Constitutional authority before a government program is instituted or funded. I could certainly vote for him.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
rraley said:
BTW, how is Amb. Keyes' daughter who was forced out his house because she's a "hedonist." What a loving man!!! I want him to be my senator!!
Ever heard the term "tough love". Sometimes you have to do things as a parent you wish you did not in order to provide what you deem as proper standards. I hope when and if you become a parent, you will have the courage to stand up for good moral values. Even with adult children, if they want to live in the parents home, they should be expected to live by the standards of the home or find a place to live where they can set their own rules.


New Member
I don't know how kicking your flesh and blood out of your house can be considered loving. We have to accept people as they, especially if they are family. I think that the Cheney family is the perfect example of how to deal with a family member who engages in that lifestyle.