Miami - Key West poker run


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
Youngest daughter just texted in..she's a passenger on this poker run. Said she can tell which ones are Donzis by the sound because she spent so much time in ours.

Never made this run...and doubt I ever will. My friends that run it say its brutal..typically very hard on the boat and even harder on the passengers.

Key West Poker Run - Florida Powerboat Club


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
My wife and I did the Worrell 1000 on our Hobie 16 in 1981. The winners finished in about 115 hours from Ft Lauderdale to Va Beach. We were not even close to them. It took us about 36 hours longer, and I have no regrets.

A brutal race. Many thanks to those on the beaches we landed on to just refresh ourselves, and the kindness of fresh water showers and toilets, and rest, to ease the situation.

Too bad my Hobie has been relegated to the junkyard. She just wore out and broke up.

A twenty-five year blast.


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
My wife and I did the Worrell 1000 on our Hobie 16 in 1981.

Now THAT was a brutal race. I owned an 18' Cougar MKIII catamaran in 1981 and sailing in the Worrell was my ultimate dream. Broke my back that year..sold the boat a few years later...gave up on the idea of participating in any extreme sailing events. Still own performance sailboats..just don't do much with them.

I tip my hat to you, sir! :buddies:


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Now THAT was a brutal race. I owned an 18' Cougar MKIII catamaran in 1981 and sailing in the Worrell was my ultimate dream. Broke my back that year..sold the boat a few years later...gave up on the idea of participating in any extreme sailing events. Still own performance sailboats..just don't do much with them.

I tip my hat to you, sir! :buddies:

It was brutal, and I will never do anything like that again. And we took our time, really, compared to those that were out to win or set records.

That was just one of the things I had to do on my bucket list about 20 years before I had heard of a bucket list.

A few others I have managed to accomplished:

- Qualified and licensed as a free fall skydiver
- Did the rim to rim (S to N to S - about 26 miles) at the Grand Canyon, starting and ending at the south rim Bright Angel trail. That took me 17 hours, every drop of water I had, and a good flashlight. Started at 0400, finished about 2100. The next morning, I could hardly move for the entire day.
- Hiked to the top of Mt Kilimanjaro in 1974 with some Navy buds. That was a two day and night adventure.
- A day trip up and down Mt Fuji in 1975, again with Navy buds. That was a hoot.

One thing about the Navy - you sure do get to see a lot of different places.

I have been blessed, for sure.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
It was brutal, and I will never do anything like that again. And we took our time, really, compared to those that were out to win or set records.

That was just one of the things I had to do on my bucket list about 20 years before I had heard of a bucket list.

A few others I have managed to accomplished:

- Qualified and licensed as a free fall skydiver
- Did the rim to rim (S to N to S - about 26 miles) at the Grand Canyon, starting and ending at the south rim Bright Angel trail. That took me 17 hours, every drop of water I had, and a good flashlight. Started at 0400, finished about 2100. The next morning, I could hardly move for the entire day.
- Hiked to the top of Mt Kilimanjaro in 1974 with some Navy buds. That was a two day and night adventure.
- A day trip up and down Mt Fuji in 1975, again with Navy buds. That was a hoot.

One thing about the Navy - you sure do get to see a lot of different places.

I have been blessed, for sure.

I wonder what 10th Mountain guys dreamed of doing?



Well-Known Member
PREMO Member

Great video. I always tell my grunt Army buds "you guys have your .223's, we have the 16 inchers.

But with all due respect, my hat is always off to those with boots on the ground, where it matters. They are my hero's. We just do a different job.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Great video. I always tell my grunt Army buds "you guys have your .223's, we have the 16 inchers.

But with all due respect, my hat is always off to those with boots on the ground, where it matters. They are my hero's. We just do a different job.


It was a partially serious question. I would think those guys bucket lists would NOT include marathons, epic hikes, climbing Everest, that sort of stuff and be more like 'spend a year in a hammock' or 'stay at every five star hotel in Monaco' or...join the NAVY :evil:



Well-Known Member
PREMO Member

It was a partially serious question. I would think those guys bucket lists would NOT include marathons, epic hikes, climbing Everest, that sort of stuff and be more like 'spend a year in a hammock' or 'stay at every five star hotel in Monaco' or...join the NAVY :evil:


Say what you want, and I dig what you're saying. What was your branch of the service?

I was stationed in Ethiopia, of all places, 73-75, when we took the Kilimanjaro trek. And was on board USS Worden CG-18, 75-76, out of Yokuska, Japan, when we took the Fuji trek. Fortunately, we at a sort of cold war peace at that time.

Take advantage of where you are and what is available.

My dad was Army, WWII, Korea (enlisted), and two tours in VN (officer), all active duty - 29 years. His younger brother was WWII and Korea. Another younger brother was Korea and VN. Two other uncles in VN, one via the draft. I think my dad, his brothers, and BIL's - my uncles - represented our family and the US very well from the Army standpoint.

Again, my hat is off to them and those, past, present, and future.:buddies:


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
I knew that was coming. :lol:

No harm meant. I didn't serve. Just kidding around. My bad.


No offense, believe me. You are a solid poster on this site for me. You make sense, especially/even in humor.

Although I do not have your take on rock. Slayer, Metallica? I can listen to it, but can honestly tell you not one name of any song. Do like your avatar, though. I could only hang my Les Paul and Fender Strat to attempt to counter yours, but my fingers, rest assured, would never come close to making them worthy of what they represent.:buddies:


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Pink Floyd, Zeppelin, Eagles, Paul Simon, Ten Years After (getting the Woodstock angle?), and earlier. I've tried Rush - a friend of mine that has a WALL of Fender speakers, knocks Rush out note for note. Not me, but it is fun.

My time frame is when rock ' roll WAS rock and roll. IMHO, of course.

To all vets that know Rock and Roll. And all those that don't.:buddies:


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
My dad was Army, WWII, Korea (enlisted), and two tours in VN (officer), all active duty - 29 years. His younger brother was WWII and Korea. Another younger brother was Korea and VN. Two other uncles in VN, one via the draft. I think my dad, his brothers, and BIL's - my uncles - represented our family and the US very well from the Army standpoint.

:buddies: to you on this Veteran's Day!


I bowl overhand

It was a partially serious question. I would think those guys bucket lists would NOT include marathons, epic hikes, climbing Everest, that sort of stuff and be more like 'spend a year in a hammock' or 'stay at every five star hotel in Monaco' or...join the NAVY :evil:


Go on a cruise, have a private steward... we don't go camping, or hiking or running marathons.. did it, done it got the merit badge..


I bowl overhand
Though hiking may be more enjoyable without 100 pounds of crap hanging off the body.. I may never know..

Oh, and LDR.. Let the "horse" carry the load and not my legs


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Though hiking may be more enjoyable without 100 pounds of crap hanging off the body.. I may never know..

Oh, and LDR.. Let the "horse" carry the load and not my legs

:yahoo: Thanks for your service again, old fart.:buddies: