Michael Phelps' Suspension

Should Michael Phelps be suspended?

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Well-Known Member
I thought it was funny when I heard them say, "He didn't violate any doping rules, but we're suspending him to teach a lesson, because of the image this gives" Or something absurd like that.

He shouldn't be suspended since it broke no rules..but the suspension is sort of pointless since the next olympic event isn't for years :lmao:


Well-Known Member
I would think MJ would make him swim slower, like an hour to get accross the pool slower.

IMO his image isn't tarnished, it's just burnt! :killingme


b*tch rocket
I think a three month suspension is more than fair. Anyone else would get the same or worse. :shrug:


24/7 Single Dad
Are there even any swim meets in the next 3 months? :lol:

I think he should be suspended only because it's illegal to slap him upside the head.

Smoking dope in public was stupid :smack:
Admitting that it was actually him in a grainy cell phone pic was stupid :smack:


Well-Known Member
Are there even any swim meets in the next 3 months? :lol:

I think he should be suspended only because it's illegal to slap him upside the head.

Smoking dope in public was stupid :smack:
Admitting that it was actually him in a grainy cell phone pic was stupid :smack:

I think there's a polar bear club meet up in Alaska coming up.




really!?!?! because you're a dick! classic

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In My Opinion
I think he should be suspended, then the public should go into some kind of unjustified frenzy over role models and dope smoking, then right about the time that the public lynch squad heads down to personally carry him off to some high security hard labor prison camp for his injustice to society,, someone needs to bring up obama.
Once you get a mob in motion, its almost impossible to stop it. you can turn it, but not stop it.


Methodically disorganized
I think he should be suspended only because it's illegal to slap him upside the head.

Smoking dope in public was stupid :smack:
:yeahthat: It should set him straight to not do it again, at least until his swimming career is over. Once he moves on to being a broadcaster he can do it again because nobody cares about them. :lol:

Yeah, and look at how ####ty a job he's doing!
More effective than the whole 'war against drugs'. Think we can put O on suspension to, for like the next 3.8 years?
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Professional Hater
Wow, I really am suprised that a dude who smoked some pot got all this attention just cause he was an olympic swimmer. We lock folks up everyday for stupid small possesion charges. Spend insane amounts of taxpayers dollars so we can keep theese menaces off the streets. Its perfectly legal to go get ####face drunk, but dont you dare smoke some pot! I hope all of us infidels meet up in hell so we can smoke out.
Well, now that thats over, I guess he should be suspended so we can uphold our high moral values for the rest of the world to see.


Football addict
I thought it was funny when I heard them say, "He didn't violate any doping rules, but we're suspending him to teach a lesson, because of the image this gives" Or something absurd like that.

He shouldn't be suspended since it broke no rules..but the suspension is sort of pointless since the next olympic event isn't for years :lmao:
They've taken away medals for less so he did break the rules.

He also broke the law and set a bad example. No better than an NFL thug getting caught with weed in a bottle.


General Mills

I get a kick out of GM dropping him. General Mills pump more poisons through processed sugars into our systems than a bong could ever do