Pretty sad really. A guy that I work with has one and loves it. Of course, now I may be able to pick one up for cheap. I've seen lots of reviews that it really is a good tablet/computer.
I've played with them, there's good and there's bad. The device itself is well constructed and decently designed; but the interface is still clumsy and cumbersome. I think the most significant problem is of the same kind as that of so many tech devices: It doesn't know what the hell it is. It wants to be a tablet and it wants to be a laptop. Generally speaking, those kinds of mixed aspirations result in devices that aren't really good at either thing. If you want to be a really good tablet, you have to be committed to being a tablet. The same goes for laptops.
And they got the aspect ratio wrong - it's too wide and doesn't function equally as well in portrait and landscape, which is an important aspect of a tablet.
But there are some advantages to it running a version of windows. I'd consider getting one at the right price.