Migraines in teenagers


Symptoms were severe pain at base of neck, throbbing headache, nauseau, temporary loss of peripherial vision in left eye. Catscan came out normal though symptoms lasted for four days...neurological exam, as ordered by family doctor, schedule for this week.

Anyone have a teenager that suffers from migraines? What is involved in the neurological exam?
Symptoms were severe pain at base of neck, throbbing headache, nauseau, temporary loss of peripherial vision in left eye. Catscan came out normal though symptoms lasted for four days...neurological exam, as ordered by family doctor, schedule for this week.

Anyone have a teenager that suffers from migraines? What is involved in the neurological exam?

Lady I work with just took her daughter in this past week for exact same thing... diagnosis ---> migranes. She's the same age as your daughter.


Lady I work with just took her daughter in this past week for exact same thing... diagnosis ---> migranes. She's the same age as your daughter.

UFB! Is she scheduled for a neuro exam? How long did it last for her daughter?


New Member
UFB! Is she scheduled for a neuro exam? How long did it last for her daughter?

The girl across the street from us is 12 and has been battling migraines for about 3 years now.

She had a neuro exam and everything. Before her mother told me what her diagnoses was, I thought it was uncommon for teens to get them like that, but apparently it isn't.

Good luck!
UFB! Is she scheduled for a neuro exam? How long did it last for her daughter?

I believe she had the work up to confirm the diagnosis. The lady said she started getting migranes when she was the same age her daughter is now. Her daughter now has meds for it as of this week.


The girl across the street from us is 12 and has been battling migraines for about 3 years now.

She had a neuro exam and everything. Before her mother told me what her diagnoses was, I thought it was uncommon for teens to get them like that, but apparently it isn't.

Good luck!

It's miserable to see them suffer and you can't do anything.


New Member
It's miserable to see them suffer and you can't do anything.

:huggy: I saw her mother go through it and the poor girl was just so miserable. I had to leave because I was going to cry.

And the testing process, the worry. Girl, you have my sympathy.


My daughter had Migraines saw the neurologist got meds they disappeared!


I believe she had the work up to confirm the diagnosis. The lady said she started getting migranes when she was the same age her daughter is now. Her daughter now has meds for it as of this week.

We don't have a family history of migraines. No changes in environment or in eating habits. I'm guessing, HOPING, she'll get medication prescribed to have on hand if it ever happens again :shrug:
We don't have a family history of migraines. No changes in environment or in eating habits. I'm guessing, HOPING, she'll get medication prescribed to have on hand if it ever happens again :shrug:

I just did a web search and it seems to be common for teen girls. Seems to be into combination of horomones and stress.

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
It's miserable to see them suffer and you can't do anything.

:huggy: I suffered from migraines from a very early age - probably started when I was 6 or 7 - but they were fortunately very infrequent. I found that reaction to food additives - namely MSG, nitrates and other chemicals put in them - was the cause in my case. Since avoiding those types of foods, I can't remember the last migraine I've had. You might want to check out what she's eating and see if some of that might be the culprit:

Migraine Food Triggers - WebMD


I just did a web search and it seems to be common for teen girls. Seems to be into combination of horomones and stress.

Yes, I read that as well, also I found a lot to be reported on it being tied directly to the timing of their monthly cycle, however it had been past that time for her.

We'll have to wait and see what is said/done at the exam this week. With any luck it's a one time thing :fingerscrossed:


:huggy: I suffered from migraines from a very early age - probably started when I was 6 or 7 - but they were fortunately very infrequent. I found that reaction to food additives - namely MSG, nitrates and other chemicals put in them - was the cause in my case. Since avoiding those types of foods, I can't remember the last migraine I've had. You might want to check out what she's eating and see if some of that might be the culprit:

Migraine Food Triggers - WebMD

Thanks, we've been looking into that. We are keeping a pain diary and relating her activities, food, environment prior to the onset of an episode. However, it has only been one episode...one episode to date that lasted four days.


New Member
My daughter had Migraines saw the neurologist got meds they disappeared!

Well good for your daughter and hopefully Julz will get that lucky with her daughter.

But sometimes finding the problem isn't so easy. My son was suffering from severe headaches with symptoms that resemble migraines. But, after testing, we learned that he had allergies that were causing the problems. I ended up having to tear the carpet out of his room and we put down hardwood floors. Problem was solved.

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
Thanks, we've been looking into that. We are keeping a pain diary and relating her activities, food, environment prior to the onset of an episode. However, it has only been one episode...one episode to date that lasted four days.

Only one, but that's a heck of an episode, poor thing. It's great you're tracking potential triggers - it's what "turned on the light bulb" in my case because sometimes it would be 12 - 24 hours after eating something that the migraine started.


Only one, but that's a heck of an episode, poor thing. It's great you're tracking potential triggers - it's what "turned on the light bulb" in my case because sometimes it would be 12 - 24 hours after eating something that the migraine started.

Her diet is pretty much the same, she's a pescatarian, so she has had much of the same diet for the past 1-1/2 years. But it could be something lacking in her diet too possibly.