Migraines in teenagers


New Member
My friend who is 19 started getting them when she was 18...

She was given "self-shot" type stuff to use. nothing seemed to worked.

Started out from no where and i believe she still has them...

A lot of people thought she was over doing it...

its semi nice to know that there are others that have this..but...not nice cuz..they DO have it at all..

i hope for the best...

but mostly she needs to relax more... it helped my friend when she did nothing for long periods of time....

best of luck..


My friend who is 19 started getting them when she was 18...

She was given "self-shot" type stuff to use. nothing seemed to worked.

Started out from no where and i believe she still has them...

A lot of people thought she was over doing it...

its semi nice to know that there are others that have this..but...not nice cuz..they DO have it at all..

i hope for the best...

but mostly she needs to relax more... it helped my friend when she did nothing for long periods of time....

best of luck..

In my web research I had read about the therapy of self injections. She just started coming out of her shell a couple years ago...is very social and involved in sports, it would be terrible if she had to give that up. I won't get caught up in thinking about that yet though...we'll try to take it one step at a time.


New Member
I myself had them and still do and my nephew started a couple years back with the same thing and we figured the school lights.Some kind of flourescent?sp bulbs the schools use.I need a pill a vinegar rag on my forehead and darkness for them to go away.Next time your child has one see if maybe it came on while at school


New Member
I have had them since about the age of 5 or 6, I remember laying on the bathroom floor (it was tile and cold) lights out begging my mom in all seriousness, to "just shoot me." I could not imagine my daughter saying that to me, I don't know how my mom did it.
Mine are hormone related and any BC pills are a :nono:, they bring on the migraines. I also have to watch the MSG's as they have brought on a headache or two.


Walking for a cure!!
I take a vitamin supplement called Migrelief. It was recommend by my neurologist. It really does help cut down on the frequency of mine. I have had them for about 15 years, and have never been able to find a trigger for them. Mine started in my late 20's. Who is the neurologist your daughter is going to see? I saw Dr. Kerasidis in Lusby - Chesapeake Neurology Associates - Prince Frederick, MD (Maryland)

He is an awesome doc. Good luck with your daughter :huggy:


New Member
I suffer from them everyday. I was one of the lucky ones in my family to have inherited this lovely pain in the azz... I am on meds daily and they have helped alot. There are lots of pill forms of meds to help with migraines, I too started off using the injectable med and was taken off it soon after because it was to strong for me and I was put on zomig pills. If all else fails with Dr's down this way head north to Johns Hopkins to their Neurology dept. or any of the other bigger named hospitals. Good Luck and hopefully you all will find something that works to help with the pain.


New Member
I started having migraines when I was in my teens as well. Mine only lasted a couple of hours but I would get them 3 or 4 times a week. They tapered off as I got older and now I maybe have 4 a year. I think the lights in the school set mine off as well. So did chocolate. I was taking a prescription med, but now I just deal with it or take Excedrin Migraine.

I hope everything turns out okay. :hug:


Free to Fly
I have Migraines also. I take Topamax daily as a preventative and then I have a stronger medicine to take in case one knocks me for a loop after all. My symptoms were almost exactly like your daughter is having. Cutting caffeine (includng the caffeine in chocolate) back slowly but not completely helps a lot but mine tends to be triggered more by certain noise pitches and lights than by foods. I know that sounds bizarre but I am one unique person anyway! You might want to keep track of that as well! My Neurologist is Dr. Charles Reel in Charlotte Hall and I wouldn't trade him for anything. Best of luck with your daughter.


My son is 8 years old and gets them. Its so hard seeing him in the pain. He throws up, he says his head is pounding, he buries his head from noise and light. I have held him while lying on the bathroom floor. I have taken him to see doctors and they say its all just migraines. I didnt realize so many people out there get them with so much pain! I hope people find better answers on why this happens and help to make them feel better.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I got migraines...

...when I hit puberty, but they stopped when I started smoking dope.

Then, I got interested in girls.

That gave me headaches.

So, I long since quit smoking dope and concentrated on giving women headaches back.

Which is why we all drink.

All better. :buddies: