Mike Farrel is a POS...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
...yes, good old BJ has some serious issues.

As many of you know, MASH's BJ is quite the entrpreneur and his success has allowed him to indulge his true passion; fighting the death penalty.


Now, as far as that goes, striking it rich and spending the rest of your time chasing your dreams, THAT is the real American Dream. Houses are nice, having retirement taken care of is nice and living comfortably including travel is nice.

But to be able to run amock and have people sticking microphones in your face, well, now that is something else.

Anyway, as the Iraqi elections are not worth the time of day to the media, as they seriously do not dove tail with endless stories of failure in Iraq, SOMETHING has to fill air space; Why not a homicidal maniac who has Hollywood cred? Tookie!

So, Larry King has on loser Geragos (decidedly anti death penalty as his clients can't very well pay him if they are dead) a judge who knows ALL about Tookies case and some guy who is a pro death penalty advocate.

Geragos talks all about how 'tough' it is to spend life in jail and that that should be severe enough. The judge says if anyone had it coming the Tookster did. The advocate says "If we execute ALL murderers we cheapen our society. If we execute NO murderers, we cheapen our society. By executing some and not others we are saying some crimes are SO bad that the ONLY just punishment is death and, conversely, some murders are not near as bad and thus we value our society by reserving compassion for some cases."

TOTALLY reasonable guy.

So, here comes Honeycutt, on camera, live at the Toookie Circus, just smoking rage at this advocate guy; "You sir, make me sick sitting their joyously pondering execution! I despise you!"

The guy is like "Hey BJ, I hate you back, beyotch."

So, this goes on as long as Larry King sees value in it which is to say he stops it when BJ starts sounding like an ass. Which is to say PDQ.

Me? Here is this pompous ####er, rich, independent and with a cause. He can work up all kinds of obvious hatred for this guy yet declare, without reservation, that no one deserves death, except maybe this advocate dude.

Hey BJ? where's the emotion, where's the hatred of ####ING MURDERERS who end INNOCENT peoples lives for NO, ZERO, reason???

I now actively don't like you.


Working for the weekend
I saw him on Larry King last night...disgusting. What is even worse is the $$ spent for all the legal appeals for death row inmates. That baztard got ten times the amount of gov money spent on him trying to keep him alive vs. one soldier fighting overseas trying to stay alive.


yeah but, tookie wrote all those books and has made the world a better place by being on this earth.

before you smack me


harleygirl said:
That baztard got ten times the amount of gov money spent on him trying to keep him alive vs. one soldier fighting overseas trying to stay alive.

That is TF true and it is an outrage that a piece of Sh!t like that can waste so much money. Hell he has probally made more money than us put together writing childrens books. I wonder if he would do a book reading to the children of the people he murdered? Geesh why am i sudden so Pizzed off? Gotta go smoke :lalala:


Routinely Derailed
He's an actor. That puts him one step above used car salesman and one step below lawyer on the credibility scale. One should not make the mistake of putting a mike in front of his face when he's off the set.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I don't care about being an actor...

Railroad said:
He's an actor. That puts him one step above used car salesman and one step below lawyer on the credibility scale. One should not make the mistake of putting a mike in front of his face when he's off the set.

...it's that he can work up this rage for a guy who is what he is; an advocate yet he doesn't even mention the victims; just that it makes us barbaric to execute criminals.

Isn't it barbaric to blow some innocent strangers head off?

So, what to do about a barbaric act?

These people act like this stuff happens in a vacuum and worse yet, we go get rid of some true barbarian like Saddam and they're pissed about THAT to.

Messed up people.


24/7 Single Dad
Wasn't he convicted of killing 4 people? Have to wonder, since he was the founder of the Crips, how many more he ordered or participated in.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
aps45819 said:
Wasn't he convicted of killing 4 people? Have to wonder, since he was the founder of the Crips, how many more he ordered or participated in.
Well, there's that part of it. :ohwell:

Normally I have more amusement for these hippies but BJ just took the cake. "It sickens me to see you people lick your lips over the death of another human being..."


No sympathy whatsoever for the victims and their families, but bawling his head off because poor widdle Tookie will be no more. What is wrong with people????


vraiblonde said:
Well, there's that part of it. :ohwell:

Normally I have more amusement for these hippies but BJ just took the cake. "It sickens me to see you people lick your lips over the death of another human being..."


No sympathy whatsoever for the victims and their families, but bawling his head off because poor widdle Tookie will be no more. What is wrong with people????

Wow we agree on somethin :flowers:


New Member
I never liked that fella on MASH. Momma and I both said when Wayne Roberts left that fella was a terrible replacement. I did like the other fella that played Charles Winchester III though, he was funnier than Franken Beans, (thats what he called Frank burns) ha ha.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
What gets me is that CNN kept repeating that California is overwhelmingly pro death penalty, yet they interviewed at least 6 hippies for every one person that said Tookie should die. The point they were trying to make is that it was political pandering on Arnold's part that he didn't commute the sentence.

Well DUH!!! As Governator, he is there to do the will of the people of California. Obviously that means he is going to uphold the death penalty if that's what his constituents want.

What part of this is so hard to understand?????


9/11 - Never Forget!
Larry Gude said:
Isn't it barbaric to blow some innocent strangers head off?

One report I read said that he didn't just blow somebody's head off, he made the guy lie down on the floor, fired TWO shotgun blasts in his back, and then found it hilarious that he made those gurgling sounds as he died! I still don't understand why we kept this slime alive as long as we did.

The Crips were responsible for hundreds of additional deaths during the Crips/Bloods drug turf wars for which Williams bears the primary blame.

In a small way the world became a better place at 0035 PST this morning.


Working for the weekend
wmburdette said:
One report I read said that he didn't just blow somebody's head off, he made the guy lie down on the floor, fired TWO shotgun blasts in his back, and then found it hilarious that he made those gurgling sounds as he died! I still don't understand why we kept this slime alive as long as we did.

The Crips were responsible for hundreds of additional deaths during the Crips/Bloods drug turf wars for which Williams bears the primary blame.

In a small way the world became a better place at 0035 PST this morning.

This link explains his crimes. http://www.livejournal.com/users/halosfan/171629.html#cutid1