MIL and Inheritance


New Member
Okay ladies (and any gents who are reading this), a while back I posted about having problems with my MIL and surprise, surprise she is at it again.

Her father recently died. Before her father's body was even cold, MIL started in on how in debt she was($20k total-I'd love to have that low of a debt count. Ha!) and how she hasn't been working, and blah blah blah. At the gathering after the funeral, other relatives who side with MIL and believe the whole "I'm a victim" sob story started coming up to hubby and saying that he should really help out his mom more. Now they weren't talking about having him go over and help her fix up the house that was willed to her by her last boyfriend which has been sitting empty since she inherited it so that she could sell it. No. They were implying that Chris should offer to bail her out of her self imposed debt.

This is where it gets interesting. Chris and his two uncles were both left equal 1/3 share ownership in the grandfathers house. MIL was left $10. Yes. I added the right amount of zeros.

There hasn't been an official reading of the will yet but hubby is already got the wheels in motion in his head. He wants to sell off his 1/3 share and use the proceeds to bail his mom out.

I understand why he wants to do this. I just don't think that paying off her debt is going to be a good idea. She didn't have to earn the money in any fashion and therefore, she learns no fiscal responsibility and we are back in this situation again down the line. Also, we have a baby on the way and even though we are both working steady jobs, who knows what can happen and putting the money that we would get from his share of the house would be a nice cushion.

I'm torn. I don't feel as though it is my place to tell him what to do with his inheritance but I don't want to regret what happens to it either. Any ideas on how he can help her without giving her a big check? Am I overstepping my bounds by saying to him that I don't want him to bail his mom out to help make our future a bit more secure?


American Beauty
PREMO Member
I would keep my nose out of it because you are gonna piss someone off.....


But... he could demand that she turn over all of her bills for him to pay directly instead of writing her a fat check and put her on an allowance. If she balks at that, there is your answer.


A Salute to all on Watch

But... he could demand that she turn over all of her bills for him to pay directly instead of writing her a fat check and put her on an allowance. If she balks at that, there is your answer.

Exactly. Seems like a bad deal no matter how you approach it, i would make my feelings known to him once and then drop it.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I would divorce him and be done with the whole crazy family. But I have a low tolerance for crap like that.
:takingnotes: :lol:

:twitch: Me too.......... yikes.....

ANYWAY.... :lol: Rose's idea is a good one. Offer to pay the bills. Don't hand over any money. Or if it's worth it, have her sign over the deed and property to the house she never fixed up in exchange for fair value in cash.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
:twitch: Me too.......... yikes.....

ANYWAY.... :lol: Rose's idea is a good one. Offer to pay the bills. Don't hand over any money. Or if it's worth it, have her sign over the deed and property to the house she never fixed up in exchange for fair value in cash.

:prenup!: :killingme


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
ANYWAY.... :lol: Rose's idea is a good one. Offer to pay the bills. Don't hand over any money. Or if it's worth it, have her sign over the deed and property to the house she never fixed up in exchange for fair value in cash.

Have her put in a nursing home. That'll fix her little red wagon.


The mighty Al-Sonsie!
Good luck getting between a man and his mamma. I'd keep my mouth shut and when one of your relatives dies you can be boss.


Thats how them b*tch's R
I would bring it up in a non-confrontational way. Even offer to help..."Hey, why don't you ask your mom to get her bills together and I'll stop by and pick them up."


Don't count on spending anything - in any way - yet. As you said the will hasn't been read. You may or may not have a copy of the last will - presuming there is a valid will. Even if there is a will - any potential heir - especially you MIL could challenge it. If the will is found invalid it could be overturned and either a previous version used or the estate could be divided under state law.

Secondly, if your husbands 1/3 share is upheld - what are the two uncles positon with regard to selling the house? If either of them do not agree to sell, you are faced with a) going to court to force the sale; b) selling his share to one or both of them (good luck agreeing to a fair price there!), or c) finding someone foolish enough to buy 1/3 share of a house with the other two thirds being owned by strangers. (How much would you pay for arrangement?)

My mother and her four siblings recently sold a piece of unimproved property they had inherited jointly from their father. It only took them 37 years to come to an agreement on the sale.


Well-Known Member
Wow. I'd really hope that if we were ever in that position, hubby would care enough about OUR family to keep some of the money for college funds, bills, or "just in case."


Well-Known Member
invite MIL over for coffee. Add a little swine flu to her java. Hope it kills her then sell the 1/3 share of hubby's house to fix up the new house he just inherited from mommy dearest.

I have no useful suggestions. I just wish you the best of luck. Seems like a no win situation anyway you look at it. :huggy:


Wow. I'd really hope that if we were ever in that position, hubby would care enough about OUR family to keep some of the money for college funds, bills, or "just in case."

:yeahthat: I'm sorry mom but I have my own bills to worry about and I shouldn't have to worry about yours too.


Loyalty, Friendship, Love
Methinks that if you are discussing this with a group of total strangers and don't feel comfortable discussing it with your husband, you are destined for divorce anyway and may as well do it now, and as suggested, take your share of his money for child support before his mother does.