Military to get free passes to national parks


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"Members of the military will receive free passes to National Parks and federal recreation lands as part of the Joining Forces initiative spearheaded by Michelle Obama and Jill Biden.

"In recognition of their service, were so pleased to be putting out a welcome mat for our military families at America’s most beautiful and storied sites," Biden said during a conference call announcing the program.

Starting this weekend, passes will be available for active-duty military and their families at more than 2,000 sites across the nation, officials said, from Yosemite to Yellowstone. National Parks Service Director Jonathan B. Jarvis said yesterday that he estimates the program could cost between $2 million and $6 million.

The agency is currently facing a budget crunch that could force it to slash 200 positions and cut back visitor-center hours, according to the National Parks Traveler. But Jarvis said the NPS still will be able to foot the bill for the military perk.

"We collect about $150 million in fees nationwide, so we don’t think that this amount of decrease will be significant to the overall operation and service," Jarvis said."


Well-Known Member
I purchase my family's annual pass each year whenever we enter any National park/refuge/historical site, even if I only use it for that one time.

I do it because it is a privilege.

As a military retiree, I have no problem paying my way while those on active duty get a well deserved break.

Visit a National-something soon.