Millions [$] in Charity but not one cent in Tribute, Child Support.


JPC, Sr.

:coffee: When a parent gives freely then whenever the child is in need is when the parent rises. Taking child support interferes with that process so then the parent must first pay tribute. Through the physical force of child support the parent's free-will offering is destroyed or severely undermined.

:yay: It was the place of our political leaders to trust the American people to do the right thing but instead of trusting the people they turned the instruments of law and order into a brutal and unjust child support oppression against the general population. It was wrong in the beginning and it is still wrong and the system is breaking down even now.

We have dead-broke parents inside jails and in our modern debtor's prisons with the law waiting for their families to pay the child support as ransom.

Only poor parents go to jail.

Child support needs to be reformed, and the injustices need to be stopped.

:popcorn: ------------------ :coffee:


Super Genius
JPC said:
:coffee: When a parent gives freely then whenever the child is in need is when the parent rises. Taking child support interferes with that process so then the parent must first pay tribute. Through the physical force of child support the parent's free-will offering is destroyed or severely undermined.
You give up your free will when you :bangbangbang: When you do not live up to your responsibility, society must make up for you. Child support is societies way of saying "take care of your own, we don't want to".


Cleopatra Jones
Who do you think is really going to vote for you? For every dead beat parent out there that would buy into your ideals there is also the responsible parent that's tired of getting bent over and screwed dry by the waste of breath they procreated with.

Child support laws were made because people were not taking care of their responsibilities.

I think they need to bring chain gangs back and make people in jail that owe child support actually "work" while incarcirated to pay for their kids! :yay:


Cleopatra Jones
BuddyLee said:
:roflmao:This should be a thread all on it's own.

No chit, right! I could start a campaign and promise to make every day "All about Pixie Day" and pull more votes then this joker simply based on the fact that I have boobs. :dork:


Lem Putt
If a parent pays on time, the case never needs to go to enforcement. If they don't pay, the custodial parent files, and enforcement actions take place.

It's very simple. Pay your obligated amount on time, and then you don't get your deadbeat a$$ thrown in jail.


mv = margaritaville
I will pay your child support if I can kick your ass.

Poor parents don't go to jail.....................Deadbeats do...


Well-Known Member
pixiegirl said:
No chit, right! I could start a campaign and promise to make every day "All about Pixie Day" and pull more votes then this joker simply based on the fact that I have boobs. :dork:

Got my vote


Super Genius
pixiegirl said:
No chit, right! I could start a campaign and promise to make every day "All about Pixie Day" and pull more votes then this joker simply based on the fact that I have boobs. :dork:
Works for me :kiss:


Lem Putt
pixiegirl said:
No chit, right! I could start a campaign and promise to make every day "All about Pixie Day" and pull more votes then this joker simply based on the fact that I show off my boobs. :dork:



Cleopatra Jones
MMDad said:

If elected I promise to wear low cut shirts every day, to be self centered and an attention whore. I promise that I will not let a day go by without publicly making a statement about how wonderful I am and how I am far superior to the masses. I will impose a "$5 Moron Fee" immediately upon my election. Everyone who disagrees with me will be dubbed a moron and have to contribute $5 to my designer shoe and purse fund. I will enact fashion friendly laws and there will be harsh punishments for those who apperance causes me to shutter in pain. I Pixie, will not be a good dictator or a fair dictator but I promise you that I will be a cute dictator! :diva:


Well-Known Member
pixiegirl said:
If elected I promise to wear low cut shirts every day, to be self centered and an attention whore. I promise that I will not let a day go by without publicly making a statement about how wonderful I am and how I am far superior to the masses. I will impose a "$5 Moron Fee" immediately upon my election. Everyone who disagrees with me will be dubbed a moron and have to contribute $5 to my designer shoe and purse fund. I will enact fashion friendly laws and there will be harsh punishments for those who apperance causes me to shutter in pain. I Pixie, will not be a good dictator or a fair dictator but I promise you that I will be a cute dictator! :diva:

I'm moving to 29B right now!!! :flowers:


"Fluffy world destroyer"
pixiegirl said:
If elected I promise to wear low cut shirts every day, to be self centered and an attention whore. I promise that I will not let a day go by without publicly making a statement about how wonderful I am and how I am far superior to the masses. I will impose a "$5 Moron Fee" immediately upon my election. Everyone who disagrees with me will be dubbed a moron and have to contribute $5 to my designer shoe and purse fund. I will enact fashion friendly laws and there will be harsh punishments for those who apperance causes me to shutter in pain. I Pixie, will not be a good dictator or a fair dictator but I promise you that I will be a cute dictator! :diva:
Too honest. You'll never make it.


Lem Putt
JPC said:
:coffee: When a parent gives freely then whenever the child is in need is when the parent rises. Taking child support interferes with that process so then the parent must first pay tribute. Through the physical force of child support the parent's free-will offering is destroyed or severely undermined.

:yay: It was the place of our political leaders to trust the American people to do the right thing but instead of trusting the people they turned the instruments of law and order into a brutal and unjust child support oppression against the general population. It was wrong in the beginning and it is still wrong and the system is breaking down even now.

We have dead-broke parents inside jails and in our modern debtor's prisons with the law waiting for their families to pay the child support as ransom.

Only poor parents go to jail.

Child support needs to be reformed, and the injustices need to be stopped.

:popcorn: ------------------ :coffee:

What legislation would you write to reform child support?