Millions [$] in Charity but not one cent in Tribute, Child Support.


Cleopatra Jones
:faint: I wonder if I can use it as a tax write off... Now that I'm running for office and all and am going to use them as part of my official campaign. :yay:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
pixiegirl said:
If elected I promise to wear low cut shirts every day, to be self centered and an attention whore. I promise that I will not let a day go by without publicly making a statement about how wonderful I am and how I am far superior to the masses. I will impose a "$5 Moron Fee" immediately upon my election. Everyone who disagrees with me will be dubbed a moron and have to contribute $5 to my designer shoe and purse fund. I will enact fashion friendly laws and there will be harsh punishments for those who apperance causes me to shutter in pain. I Pixie, will not be a good dictator or a fair dictator but I promise you that I will be a cute dictator!

Ya got my vote :yay:


Super Genius
pixiegirl said:
If elected I promise to wear low cut shirts every day, to be self centered and an attention whore. I promise that I will not let a day go by without publicly making a statement about how wonderful I am and how I am far superior to the masses. I will impose a "$5 Moron Fee" immediately upon my election. Everyone who disagrees with me will be dubbed a moron and have to contribute $5 to my designer shoe and purse fund. I will enact fashion friendly laws and there will be harsh punishments for those who apperance causes me to shutter in pain. I Pixie, will not be a good dictator or a fair dictator but I promise you that I will be a cute dictator! :diva:
This sounds a little familiar...
Galadriel:You offer it to me freely? I do not deny that my heart has greatly desired this.
[Starts to grow dark]
In the place of a Dark Lord you would have a Queen! Not dark but beautiful and terrible as the Morn! Treacherous as the Seas! Stronger than the foundations of the Earth! All shall love me and despair!


pixiegirl said:
If elected I promise to wear low cut shirts every day, to be self centered and an attention whore. I promise that I will not let a day go by without publicly making a statement about how wonderful I am and how I am far superior to the masses. I will impose a "$5 Moron Fee" immediately upon my election. Everyone who disagrees with me will be dubbed a moron and have to contribute $5 to my designer shoe and purse fund. I will enact fashion friendly laws and there will be harsh punishments for those who apperance causes me to shutter in pain. I Pixie, will not be a good dictator or a fair dictator but I promise you that I will be a cute dictator! :diva:

You had me at "shirts".

JPC, Sr.

The Truth Will Set Us All Free.

donbarzini said:
I'm moving to 29B right now!!! :flowers:

:flowers: Yes sir, come on down. 29B is the place to be.

Victory is coming to 29B.

JPC, Sr.

The Truth Will Set Us All Free.

MMDad said:
What legislation would you write to reform child support?

:coffee: The issue will be very hard to get any reform legislation through, I believe. I can get the process started but as to what the legislation might finally look like is something that I surely do not know.

An issue of this huge size will take a big effort and a lot of work and it will take a vote of the legislature and revision by the MD. Senate and the next Governor will have to have a big part in it.

My platform is that I will have much work to do to get the child support reformed and to get innocent parents out of jail but as it stands only I am to even try to do it as the rest of the oligarchy bunch just ignore the common issues out side of feeding their greed.

I do have a feeling that I can get it done quickly as it is a sore spot that officials hide since the system is failing and concerned people will rise to the occasion. But I do not think the injustice will be addressed without myself leading the charge.

:yay: ------------------------ :eyebrow:


JPC said:
But I do not think the injustice will be addressed without myself leading the charge.

Yeah this is true.
Most legislators are in favor of parents supporting their children's financial needs.


* * * * * * * * *
Staff member
PREMO Member
JPC said:
:coffee: The issue will be very hard to get any reform legislation through, I believe. I can get the process started but as to what the legislation might finally look like is something that I surely do not know.

An issue of this huge size will take a big effort and a lot of work and it will take a vote of the legislature and revision by the MD. Senate and the next Governor will have to have a big part in it.

My platform is that I will have much work to do to get the child support reformed and to get innocent parents out of jail but as it stands only I am to even try to do it as the rest of the oligarchy bunch just ignore the common issues out side of feeding their greed.

I do have a feeling that I can get it done quickly as it is a sore spot that officials hide since the system is failing and concerned people will rise to the occasion. But I do not think the injustice will be addressed without myself leading the charge.

:yay: ------------------------ :eyebrow:

In other words, you don't have a plan :boo: ...but you are getting the politician :goobletygook: out of your mouth very well. :yay:


Is it just me, or does anyone wish that more - or all - politicians and aspiring politicians would communicate with their would-be constituants this way?

I know everyone's been on Cusick's ass like white on rice (and rightfully so), but wouldn't it be nice if guys like Hoyer and Gilchrest, or even the Wonder Twins, Sarbanes & Mikulski, would get on this website once in a while and address their devoted masses.

I, for one, find the prospect of flirting with Sen. Mikulski to be particularly exciting.


New Member
JPC said:

An issue of this huge size will take a big effort and a lot of work and it will take a vote of the legislature and revision by the MD. Senate and the next Governor will have to have a big part in it.

My platform is that I will have much work to do to get the child support reformed
:yay: ------------------------ :eyebrow:

I'm not sure you really understand what the term "work" means. When did you hold you last job ? Did you work to support your son ?

So - you could not work for all of these years because of a disability, thereby depriving your child of support payments, but you can work now ?
Was it a miracle ?
You will honestly put more effort into helping other deadbeat parents beat the legal system - more effort then you spent helping support your child ?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Toxick said:
I know everyone's been on Cusick's ass like white on rice (and rightfully so), but wouldn't it be nice if guys like Hoyer and Gilchrest, or even the Wonder Twins, Sarbanes & Mikulski, would get on this website once in a while and address their devoted masses.
Most of them won't do that because they only want to work with a script in front of the faithful, not answer tough questions from right-wing zealots like us. :lol:

JPC, Sr.

The Truth Shall Set Us All Free.

Sharon said:
In other words, you don't have a plan :boo: ...but you are getting the politician :goobletygook: out of your mouth very well. :yay:

:howdy: Well thank you, I like it too.

Well laid plans always do go astray so we must only set the agenda and the goal and commit to honesty and let the plan unfold as it goes along.

The politician "goobletygook" might be hard for people to understand so I am pleased that at least some people get the message.

Americans notoriously like to believe that the persons that actually vote tend to understand very well and I certainly am counting on that come election day.

:coffee: ------------------ :flowers:


In My Opinion
JPC said:
Americans notoriously like to believe that the persons that actually vote tend to understand very well
So, what you are trying to tell us is,,, you dont vote?


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Toxick said:
Is it just me, or does anyone wish that more - or all - politicians and aspiring politicians would communicate with their would-be constituants this way?

I know everyone's been on Cusick's ass like white on rice (and rightfully so), but wouldn't it be nice if guys like Hoyer and Gilchrest, or even the Wonder Twins, Sarbanes & Mikulski, would get on this website once in a while and address their devoted masses.

I, for one, find the prospect of flirting with Sen. Mikulski to be particularly exciting.
Yeah, right, They might say something that their constituents would expect them to follow through on. Won't happen. A new breed of politician might, but the old school "tell everyone what they want to hear and give no one anything" crowd won't Time for a changing of the "guard". Actually, it is time for throwing the "foxes" out of the hen house. Lawyers in Congress are like foxes in a hen house; don't expect to collect eggs in the morning.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
JPC said:
:howdy: Well thank you, I like it too.

Well laid plans always do go astray so we must only set the agenda and the goal and commit to honesty and let the plan unfold as it goes along.

The politician "goobletygook" might be hard for people to understand so I am pleased that at least some people get the message.

Americans notoriously like to believe that the persons that actually vote tend to understand very well and I certainly am counting on that come election day.

:coffee: ------------------ :flowers:
I would call you a fool, but I am instructed not to do that. I will tell you that your agenda is not well received by any of your potential constituents on the board, so you are only hurting your campaign efforts by posting further. The best thing you could do for your campaign is to log off SOMD and never log on again, ever.

Added benefits:
It would raise the average IQ of the board by at least several points.
Other posters would not have to sort through your drivel or waist time responding to you.
It would probably keep my blood pressure from spiking periodically when I read your defecated matter. (Oh Sleuth, do you think I have grounds for a law suite against SOMD.COM for allowing JPC, Sr. to continue to post?)
Last edited:


In My Opinion
2ndAmendment said:
I would call you a fool, but I am instructed not to do that.
You sir, I would love to meet.
You might be the first true christian that I have had the pleasure to know.

plus, with your background in self defense, we seem to have something in common,, well, at least until I broke my back 12 years ago and stopped working out and got fat.

other than that, we have things in common and I have the utmost respect for your Christian attitude.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
bcp said:
You sir, I would love to meet.
You might be the first true christian that I have had the pleasure to know.

plus, with your background in self defense, we seem to have something in common,, well, at least until I broke my back 12 years ago and stopped working out and got fat.

other than that, we have things in common and I have the utmost respect for your Christian attitude.
All glory goes to God for my attitude. I was a mess. He took me just like I was and kept leading me in His ways. I can only pray that I keep giving up self to Him. I fail all too often, but try to return to His way. I do so hope to enter into His kingdom and have Him greet me with:
Matthew 25:23 "His master said to him, 'Well done, good and faithful slave. You were faithful with a few things, I will put you in charge of many things; enter into the joy of your master.'