Mitch fall down go boom....again


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
All those Democrat women are obnoxious. The Democrat "men" are too, but that high pitched shrieky haranguing makes nails on a chalkboard cringe.


PREMO Member

STRUGGLING Democrat SUFFERS MENTAL MALFUNCTION During Trump Deranged Rant On House Floor!​



Board Mommy
PREMO Member
No doubt - but too damned bad. 78's were way before my time - and I knew what THEY were too, as a kid.
You'd think no one had ever seen a jukebox before.

Jukeboxes have been digital for at least 2 decades. :lol:

Which is annoying because it's too many choices. Old school jukeboxes had a limited number of songs so it was easy to scroll through and choose, but now you'll spend all day going through the catalog.
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Jukeboxes have been digital for at least 2 decades. :lol:

Which is annoying because it's too many choices. Old school jukeboxes had a limited number of songs so it was easy to scroll through and choose, but now you'll spend all day going through the catalog.
That's interesting. I have NEVER seen one. It makes sense.

STILL - I'm amazed at kids - and my youngest is this way - seem to think that being ignorant of the past somehow makes them superior.

But it isn't unlike the way Spiderman (in the Marvel movies) refers to things in the 80's as "really old". As in, he sets up the seemingly unkillable Ebony Maw in "Infiinity War" by referencing "a really old movie, called 'Aliens'".

I do occasionally run across co-workers who ask if I remember this or that, and some are like yesterday - and some are like "just how OLD do you think I AM?".


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
STILL - I'm amazed at kids - and my youngest is this way - seem to think that being ignorant of the past somehow makes them superior.

But it explains a lot, doesn't it? I, and I'm sure you, are aware and even knowledgeable about things that happened long before we were born but young people today think that if they weren't there for it it didn't happen. 9/11 - they don't see what the big deal is. Ronald Reagan might as well be George Washington. Reading a map, writing in cursive (or even writing complete words and sentences), remembering something, counting back change....all that is done on their phone now. They are almost incapable of independent thought because they've always had a device to do it for them.

But they have a point. The song Jungle Love by Steve Miller Band is almost 50 years old. That's like us singing along to Eddie Cantor (which I can do, but I'm a weirdo). Heart to them is like the Andrews Sisters to us. Because we're old we don't realize how long ago this stuff was until it's pointed out. So kids today feeling superior to vinyl is like us busting on the gramophone.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
But it explains a lot, doesn't it? I, and I'm sure you, are aware and even knowledgeable about things that happened long before we were born but young people today think that if they weren't there for it it didn't happen. 9/11 - they don't see what the big deal is. Ronald Reagan might as well be George Washington. Reading a map, writing in cursive (or even writing complete words and sentences), remembering something, counting back change....all that is done on their phone now. They are almost incapable of independent thought because they've always had a device to do it for them.

But they have a point. The song Jungle Love by Steve Miller Band is almost 50 years old. That's like us singing along to Eddie Cantor (which I can do, but I'm a weirdo). Heart to them is like the Andrews Sisters to us. Because we're old we don't realize how long ago this stuff was until it's pointed out. So kids today feeling superior to vinyl is like us busting on the gramophone.
That's why it STILL amazes me that kids - not just my kids - do actually know some of that stuff. NOT my youngest, but - son knows ELO, Zeppelin, Rush - older daughter ALWAYS amazes me - she knew Boston, the other day. And not from hanging around ME.

And that's fine. *I* know standards from the 40's and 50's - even well enough to catch JOKES made about them in old movies. I probably know most of Sinatra's hits from his later career - ditto Nat King Cole and most of the big bands, although a lot of my interest in big bands was stoked by a college friend who knew ALL of their stuff, so I recognize Take the A Train or One O'Clock Jump in a movie.

My friends in my 20's pretty much were clear - you were a little culturally deficient if you've never seen Bogart or Hitchcock or even Gable (and not just Gone With the Wind).


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PREMO Member
I get the opposite. Went to the doc and the nurse asks my birthdate, and with a look of surprise says, "You're 70 years old??? You don't look at all 70!!"
You don't. I did have a visiting tech the other day ACCURATELY guess my age.


Well-Known Member
I get the opposite. Went to the doc and the nurse asks my birthdate, and with a look of surprise says, "You're 70 years old??? You don't look at all 70!!"
I get that all the time, was sitting next to a lady at a bar last Saturday and she asked how old I was..She called me a liar when I told her..Had to produce my license...:lol:


Well-Known Member
In all seriousness, the State that sent this man to Congress should have a way to remove him. It's BS that someone with such infirmities should be allowed to stay in the senate.