I am courious as to what the majority in here believes and why.
Do these spirtual gifts exsist in modern times?
Casting out of Demons?
Healing by laying on hands?
Are there modern day Apostels?
The Gift of tounges than can be interrupted?
I personally believe no on all, based on scripture, but I am courious as to what you believe and why.
I goofed up the poll I wanted a yes or no poll and cant edit it.
I answered a little quickly without explanation because I was at work (still am but with a little more time on my hands now). I don't believe we still have modern day Apostles, but we do have modern day Disciples which I know you know are any of us who are willing to follow after Christ and try to live by His Word and His example.
I haven't seen anybody Cast out Demons - can it still be done? Do I still believe some people are demon possessed? Truthfully? I have seen people who are so evil acting that they seem to have no soul behind their eyes. They can look right thru you after committing a heinious act as though it has had no affect on them at all. I know somebody like that. they were not always that way. Many many years later they finally became a human being again after much prayer. I can't answer this question, but when just being around somebody makes you want to shake you have to wonder because it never did that before.
Healing by laying on hands - Yes I believe in this. It does not always work and I am not talking about the big stage shows where everyone drops their crutches and jumps out of their wheelchairs. I have never taken part in anything like that. I know in my Church back home a teenager was bitten by a poisonous snake while out with the Youth Group. Her leg was turning colors and she was losing consciousness and they were in the middle of nowhere. They prayed for her with the Pastor and they all laid hands on her. Her leg returned to normal and she walked back down the trail. The mark from where she had been bitten was still there and they had the dead snake but she was fine.
The Gift of Tongues That can be Interpreted - I believe in this as well. Of course you have the person who is screaming, holleringand acting like they are insane and I have gotten really good at spotting sincerity. I have seen people try to "teach" someone to speak in tongues. This a gift of the Holy Spirit and it cannot be taught. I have even seen "staged" speaking and interpretation and I know why He is God and I am not because I would blast people right out of the pews and from behind the pulpit for stuff like that.
I have only the gift of Prayer Tongues. I cannot speak it on purpose and I do not speak it loudly. I don't even know I am doing it. I hear myself in English. Others hear me in another language if they are near me.
Jesus promised he would send us a Comforter - The Holy Spirit and these are all Gifts from the Holy Spirit. Jesus said in His Name we would be able to do all of these things. I believe Him.