Modesty And Dressing With Good Taste


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
Young women are the ones who can get away with not valuing modesty. It's the older heiferillas who should probably cover that chit up.


I was just thinking of the word "heifer" today, in regard to a snarky, chunky monkey woman I know. She's the type who thinks she looks good in everything that's in style each season. She's short, has fat ankles, a substantially ample bottomside with stumpy legs & actually looks like she waddles sometimes. She will squeeze her sausage-like feet into shoes which make her look even worse. She's nearly 50 and tries to wear the same styles as her mid-20's daughters whose figures are in WAY better shape than hers.

Heiferilla suits her perfectly! :yay:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I was just thinking of the word "heifer" today, in regard to a snarky, chunky monkey woman I know. She's the type who thinks she looks good in everything that's in style each season. She's short, has fat ankles, a substantially ample bottomside with stumpy legs & actually looks like she waddles sometimes. She will squeeze her sausage-like feet into shoes which make her look even worse. She's nearly 50 and tries to wear the same styles as her mid-20's daughters whose figures are in WAY better shape than hers.

My ankles are not fat :mad:


Well-Known Member
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Podunk FL
First, what is your definition of modesty?

Modest to me is covering up the goods and hiding the things that are flawed. Not a turtleneck but knowing when to show something with class and not trash.

Also if you show it all at once it really leaves a different impression in someone's mind. It isn't that you are jealous they are showing the goods but getting negative attention and not positive.

In my 20's I dressed like a not modest person and got lots of attention but no one took me serious at my job. My old boss would sit there while I was filing and stare at my chest. I mean it was obvious.

Secondly, what is your opinion of modesty?

I am a very modest person. I have started showing more skin as I have lost more weight. I as residual do have a healthy chest that even though I have lost 80 lbs still is there. I am 20 lbs from my happy weight (at bottom of BMI) and will still have boobs. I could dress more trashy but don't chose to. I prefer to show one positive attribute at a time. IF I wear a lower cut top that shows cleavage I will wear something modest on bottoms (knee length skirt, jeans, or longer shorts). IF I wear a short skirt, I will wear a modest top that covers up the cleavage.

Having been so overweight for so long it has taken some major work to not buy baggy clothing. When I wear overly baggy I look like I have a sack on and there is no shape.

It blows my mind at stores how younger women wear clothes so tight that I can see what type of underwear if any that they are wearing. My mother would have kicked my butt if I left the house in that.

Third, do you see value in it? If not, why? (Humor me... I'm curious.)

Yes..I do. I feel that if you dress modest at work you are showing respect for yourself and your job. When it is clubbing that is different but at work it is different. People give you more credibility when you are nicely dressed. I am not talking about wearing a suit or anything overly expensive. I am talking about wearing pants that fit properly (no plumbers crack), shirts that are not showing so much cleavage that the nipples almost show etc.
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Wow...all really good comments and perspectives. Very interesting. Glad to see there's still some folks around that value modesty.

Thanks for taking the time to add your opinons. Keep them coming...

On kids... I saw a lady in the grocery store yesterday who had two girls with her... couldn't be more than 12-13.. both were wearing tight, shorty shorts that didn't come any lower than the bottom of their buttocks. Also, they were wearing tight, immodest (imo) camis. The older one needed a bra really bad. With all the perverts and molesters around, I don't understand why a woman would dress her kids like that.

Sure, they're safe with Mom at the moment...but the dirty old bastard behind her at the checkout was getting an eyeful of her kids butts. I wanted to punch him in the face.... god knows what he was thinking. I'm sure, modest or not... the old bastard would think what he wants anyway, but I'd rather have my kid covered up than not to prevent unwanted attention from a potential child molester or pervert.

In this day and age...why would you risk it? Oblivious? Don't care? The 'nothing will happen to us' attitude? Sad...


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I don't understand why a woman would dress her kids like that.

Because she wants dirty old men to ogle her teen or preteen. And you can't really blame the DOM for looking at something that's being blatantly presented to him for such purpose.


Because she wants dirty old men to ogle her teen or preteen. And you can't really blame the DOM for looking at something that's being blatantly presented to him for such purpose.

Thank you! Speaking for DOM's everywhere, not about teens, but chicks in general particularly the 20ish types who generally flaunt, if your fun bags are trussed up and protruding, barely contained and on display I/we should not feel bad for gazing at them .
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Dream Stealer
Wow...all really good comments and perspectives. Very interesting. Glad to see there's still some folks around that value modesty.

Thanks for taking the time to add your opinons. Keep them coming...

On kids... I saw a lady in the grocery store yesterday who had two girls with her... couldn't be more than 12-13.. both were wearing tight, shorty shorts that didn't come any lower than the bottom of their buttocks. Also, they were wearing tight, immodest (imo) camis. The older one needed a bra really bad. With all the perverts and molesters around, I don't understand why a woman would dress her kids like that.

Sure, they're safe with Mom at the moment...but the dirty old bastard behind her at the checkout was getting an eyeful of her kids butts. I wanted to punch him in the face.... god knows what he was thinking. I'm sure, modest or not... the old bastard would think what he wants anyway, but I'd rather have my kid covered up than not to prevent unwanted attention from a potential child molester or pervert.

In this day and age...why would you risk it? Oblivious? Don't care? The 'nothing will happen to us' attitude? Sad...

couple things. First, I agree with you on a lot of young girl's is often innapropriate..but molesters and perverts are no that way because they see a girl dressed in shorts and a tight cami..they are that way because they are sick and would gladly take an 8 yo in a sweatsuit as a preteen in shorts. a girl dressed provactively does not invite a molester..just being a kid invites a molester. That's like saying women who wear low cut shirts are inviting rapists. There are many reasons why a mom should ensure her daughter is dressed appropriately for her age..fear of molesters is not one of them. look at jaycee duggard..snatched, and she had a religous family and was always pictured dressed very modestly.

Dressing modestly is about your daughter's perception of herself and her abilities and attractive qualities..not about what other people think. Let her dress sexy and pretty soon she figures out how easy it is to get things with sex..and then you have trouble on your hands with a girl who doesn't know how to use her intelligence or wit or creativity to get things. Other people looking at my daughter would not be my motivator for having her dress age appropriate..otherwise I would go ahead and put her in a burka and be done with it.


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
Because she wants dirty old men to ogle her teen or preteen. And you can't really blame the DOM for looking at something that's being blatantly presented to him for such purpose.


Then there are woman who are in OUR age group, (I know several of them) who are sadly living vicariously through their daughters' ability to wear all this crap.

They actually seem to beam with pride when someone compliments their daughter on their shapely figure, etc, with the breasticles pushed up to their collarbone & spilling out of their tops. And then love to add how she's "such a good, student, and what a good girl she is".

Time will tell. But modesty is not big in the younger set these days. And their parents apparently are fine with it.


aka Mrs. Giant
Is modesty dead? Does no one see the value in dressing tastefully (not necessarily in style) for their body weight and/or age any longer? Do we, as a nation simply not care wtf we look like any more? I'm not implying folks should aspire to adorn themselves in expensive, stylish clothes either. Dressing tastefully means your clothes are clean, worn right, *not skin tight to your body (unless you're going clubbing, which falls into dressing right for the occasion concept), and cover everything.

First, what is your definition of modesty?
Secondly, what is your opinion of modesty?
Third, do you see value in it? If not, why? (Humor me... I'm curious.)

No poll, just a survey.

Boy I must not have had enough coffee, or I am on a totally different page than everybody else (which upon further reflection, is entirely possible).

Modesty (to me) means that one is unpretentious. And in case you can't define that word, it means you are honest and genuine in who you are and what you do and that you really don't give a flip about what the status quo thinks, because you aren't out to impress them.

So with that in mind, I really don't give a flip what anyone wears (or doesn't) as long as they are dressing (or running naked) for themselves, not in order to impress others. :shrug:

I see absolute value in being unpretentious/modest/genuine. Once you stop playing follow the leader you can learn to accept yourself and find that you are pretty comfortable in your own skin and don't need to worry about anyone else boosting your self esteem. Also, other people and what they wear (or don't) bothers you a lot less. :biggrin:

I wish I could be a nudist, but I'm not that free from society's dictates on a personal level. :ohwell: However, having met several honest to goodness nudists, I never felt that they were immodest; they were just being themselves. And in my book, there is nothing wrong with that.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
However, having met several honest to goodness nudists, I never felt that they were immodest; they were just being themselves. And in my book, there is nothing wrong with that.

People can be "themselves" when I'm not around. Otherwise, they should put some damn clothes on their nasty blob of a body. If I can't smoke, they can't go around with their mudflaps hanging out.


Is modesty dead? Does no one see the value in dressing tastefully (not necessarily in style) for their body weight and/or age any longer? Do we, as a nation simply not care wtf we look like any more? I'm not implying folks should aspire to adorn themselves in expensive, stylish clothes either. Dressing tastefully means your clothes are clean, worn right, *not skin tight to your body (unless you're going clubbing, which falls into dressing right for the occasion concept), and cover everything.

First, what is your definition of modesty?
Secondly, what is your opinion of modesty?
Third, do you see value in it? If not, why? (Humor me... I'm curious.)

No poll, just a survey.

You bring up a good point HouseKitty. I have my opinion that this goes hand in hand with the lack of morals and values in today's society. I beleive there is a conclusive link. This can be traced back to when religion was taken out of the schools some 30 years. ago. If you graph issues of civility, the decline will show a start date on or close to the Supreme Court ruling which took religion out of schools and thus morals and values right along with it. Oh, as for the parents responsbility of teaching good morals and values. Well, some do. Lets not take anything away from these good outstanding folks. But, a growing section of society does not. And this is where the problem is.

From time to time I go by our schools due to a County Board I am on. I see how the young kids are dressed. There seems to be three levels. Dressed nicely. Medium dressed. And of course dressed like whores and gang members. But, the response would be is that they are exercising their "Freedom of Expression". A Constitution guarantee. This guarantee is there so long as it does not interfere with the education of the students as an excessive distraction.


Well-Known Member

I was just thinking of the word "heifer" today, in regard to a snarky, chunky monkey woman I know. She's the type who thinks she looks good in everything that's in style each season. She's short, has fat ankles, a substantially ample bottomside with stumpy legs & actually looks like she waddles sometimes. She will squeeze her sausage-like feet into shoes which make her look even worse. She's nearly 50 and tries to wear the same styles as her mid-20's daughters whose figures are in WAY better shape than hers.

Heiferilla suits her perfectly! :yay:

You know Barbara Mikulski!?


Well-Known Member
Wow...all really good comments and perspectives. Very interesting. Glad to see there's still some folks around that value modesty.

Thanks for taking the time to add your opinons. Keep them coming...

On kids... I saw a lady in the grocery store yesterday who had two girls with her... couldn't be more than 12-13.. both were wearing tight, shorty shorts that didn't come any lower than the bottom of their buttocks. Also, they were wearing tight, immodest (imo) camis. The older one needed a bra really bad. With all the perverts and molesters around, I don't understand why a woman would dress her kids like that.

Sure, they're safe with Mom at the moment...but the dirty old bastard behind her at the checkout was getting an eyeful of her kids butts. I wanted to punch him in the face.... god knows what he was thinking. I'm sure, modest or not... the old bastard would think what he wants anyway, but I'd rather have my kid covered up than not to prevent unwanted attention from a potential child molester or pervert.

In this day and age...why would you risk it? Oblivious? Don't care? The 'nothing will happen to us' attitude? Sad...

I'm gonna get a whippin', but I can't he'p it!



Well-Known Member
You bring up a good point HouseKitty. I have my opinion that this goes hand in hand with the lack of morals and values in today's society. I beleive there is a conclusive link. This can be traced back to when religion was taken out of the schools some 30 years. ago. If you graph issues of civility, the decline will show a start date on or close to the Supreme Court ruling which took religion out of schools and thus morals and values right along with it. Oh, as for the parents responsbility of teaching good morals and values. Well, some do. Lets not take anything away from these good outstanding folks. But, a growing section of society does not. And this is where the problem is.

From time to time I go by our schools due to a County Board I am on. I see how the young kids are dressed. There seems to be three levels. Dressed nicely. Medium dressed. And of course dressed like whores and gang members. But, the response would be is that they are exercising their "Freedom of Expression". A Constitution guarantee. This guarantee is there so long as it does not interfere with the education of the students as an excessive distraction.

Who's religion?

Besides, TV dinners were popularized in 1960 when Swanson added desserts to their offerings.

The country has been on a downhill slide ever since.


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
Boy I must not have had enough coffee, or I am on a totally different page than everybody else (which upon further reflection, is entirely possible).

Modesty (to me) means that one is unpretentious. And in case you can't define that word, it means you are honest and genuine in who you are and what you do and that you really don't give a flip about what the status quo thinks, because you aren't out to impress them.

So with that in mind, I really don't give a flip what anyone wears (or doesn't) as long as they are dressing (or running naked) for themselves, not in order to impress others. :shrug:

I see absolute value in being unpretentious/modest/genuine. Once you stop playing follow the leader you can learn to accept yourself and find that you are pretty comfortable in your own skin and don't need to worry about anyone else boosting your self esteem. Also, other people and what they wear (or don't) bothers you a lot less. :biggrin:

I wish I could be a nudist, but I'm not that free from society's dictates on a personal level. :ohwell: However, having met several honest to goodness nudists, I never felt that they were immodest; they were just being themselves. And in my book, there is nothing wrong with that.

I think nudists have a whole other way of thinking and really don't see this applying to them.

I'm pretty comfortable in my own skin in that I don't wear the latest trends just to impress anyone - I dress for myself & what I like to wear. But at the same time, I want to look the way I think I should look in what I wear. I also believe in dressing appropriately for any particular occasion. But that's just me. And I consider myself modest.

I think many of the young people who dress the way they do do it to draw attention to themselves. And they usually get it.


Well-Known Member
couple things. First, I agree with you on a lot of young girl's is often innapropriate..but molesters and perverts are no that way because they see a girl dressed in shorts and a tight cami..they are that way because they are sick and would gladly take an 8 yo in a sweatsuit as a preteen in shorts. a girl dressed provactively does not invite a molester..just being a kid invites a molester. That's like saying women who wear low cut shirts are inviting rapists. There are many reasons why a mom should ensure her daughter is dressed appropriately for her age..fear of molesters is not one of them. look at jaycee duggard..snatched, and she had a religous family and was always pictured dressed very modestly.

Dressing modestly is about your daughter's perception of herself and her abilities and attractive qualities..not about what other people think. Let her dress sexy and pretty soon she figures out how easy it is to get things with sex..and then you have trouble on your hands with a girl who doesn't know how to use her intelligence or wit or creativity to get things. Other people looking at my daughter would not be my motivator for having her dress age appropriate..otherwise I would go ahead and put her in a burka and be done with it.

My S-I-L is, let's say, "blessed." But she does not go around wearing low-cut tops that go ALL the way down to.....well.....
My 13 yr. old Niece is her mother's daughter; who is coming into her womanhood, will NEVER be allowed to walk around in next to nothing; I assure you.