Moles are destroying my yard !!


Get a couple rat terriers Pete. Bread to go into rat holes and kill rats, but they love moles. Don't have any moles in the back yard, but the front yard (where the dogs aren't) got some. Kill em with diazinon (kills the grubs) or mole traps.


Dancing Up A Storm
Originally posted by Vince
Get a couple rat terriers Pete. Bread to go into rat holes and kill rats, but they love moles. Don't have any moles in the back yard, but the front yard (where the dogs aren't) got some. Kill em with diazinon (kills the grubs) or mole traps.
:cheers: Hey, that's right!!!
IM4Change's Jack Russell terrier, Milo, has entered the hunting
stage of his young life.

Pete, give her a call and see if she's willing to let you borrow Milo for a few days.

She says he's tenacious as hell lately.:wink:


No dog ! The neighbors boxer came over to visit and was more than happy to do some escavation is search of the mole. It tore the yard up worse looking than the mole did.

I am mole free right now.


New Member
kayellesee said:
. Don't the chemicals hurt your pets? (I have a dog).

Some do and the chemicals may also harm the beneficial microbes and earthworms in your soil. Remember the grubs are juvenille Japanese beetles. DO NOT use the Japanese beetle traps. Granted they'll kill a lot of them but the traps will attract the beetles from your whole neighborhood. What I did is supposedly the safest and longer lasting. Milky spore. It is not cheap, about $120 per 1/4 acre but it's safe for people, pets and birds. A teaspoon of this stuff contains billions of spores. When the grubs chew through the ground they ingest the spore. The spores then multiply in the grubs until they burst their host releasesing billions more spore. I just applied it late this summer so I don't know how effective it is yet.


New Member
Just thought of something else. The moles themselves aren't that bad. They eat the grubs that eat the grass roots. They dig holes but usually you can step down on the tunnels to get the lumps out. What may be the bad things is that having moles allow voles to have easy access to your plants. The voles will eat your bulbs if you have any of those. When I planted tulips we used vole block.


I bowl overhand
Pete said:
:burning: The vermin started in the corner and have now gone all the way out to the middle.

Where can I get traps? Any other method? Flame thrower? Grenades?

DO a google.. I had serious moles in NH and someone mentioned an old local remedy.. I don't remember it off hand but it worked.. I do remember it involved dish washing liquid..

FOund him online too..


My moles are all now residing in the "Happy tunneling ground". Mole traps work well, I terminated 5 of them. No mole problem