Mom leaves kids on road


Well-Known Member
My sister and I used to fight all the time. Mom got sick of it and told us to go in our room and don't come out until one of us was dead. :jet: She said it was not her best parenting moment, but hey, it worked! :yay:


Well-Known Member
My sister and I used to fight all the time. Mom got sick of it and told us to go in our room and don't come out until one of us was dead. :jet: She said it was not her best parenting moment, but hey, it worked! :yay:

:flowers: Sorry for the loss of your sister. I bet she regreted that decision after having to pay for the funeral.


Let's not forget that the 12 year old caught up with the car and was let in. Obviously mom didn't "zoom off". Maybe not the smartest move, but I'm not that bothered by it. I remember once when we were kids my parents told us to stay out of the mud from new construction (Wakefield wooden townhouses, geez, I'm old). Of course we got cake\d with mud and clay. My dad made us walk home to our house on the other side of Bannister. They drove behind us a little ways though to make sure we were ok, but that was a long walk. Did the trick. It was a dusk when we left, dark when we got home. Oh well.