Mom says she couldn't nurse on plane


New Member
Never breastfeed, but mine was off of the bottle by the time she was 6 months...the sooner the better...that's what the doctor told me.
And I hate to see babies with dirty faces...used to see alot of them up in PA...always wanted to go over and wash their faces off...either that or tell off the childern that were having childern..they never seems to take care of their kids...always dirty


R.I.P. Bobo, We miss you!
stormer41 said:
Never breastfeed, but mine was off of the bottle by the time she was 6 months...the sooner the better...that's what the doctor told me.
And I hate to see babies with dirty faces...used to see alot of them up in PA...always wanted to go over and wash their faces off...either that or tell off the childern that were having childern..they never seems to take care of their kids...always dirty

breast feeding - dirty faces. :shrug:


New Member
I breastfed one child until 28 months and the other until 23 months. It worked well for us. I was a very discreet feeder. But sometimes I had to nurse in public. You would not believe the number of people looking for a peek of nip :jameo:


Pea Brain
PREMO Member
I just hang up those little hamster cage water bottles on their cribs and let my babies feed themselves.


I bowl overhand
Nanny Pam said:
The "binky" also bugs me.
I see kids, ( 2 & 3 year olds ) all the time, with a binky. It makes me sick. I think the parents need a :buttkick:

1 year for the bottle and 18 months on the binky.
High School kids get off the bus with them in their mouths around here.

TeaBag Express

I don;t think people should be able to breat feed on a plane. Just put some milk in a bottle for the plane ride. It isn;t that big a deal. If you really have to breast feed on the plane go into the bathroom.

I am not against breast feedingin public. But when you are in a very tight space like a plane seat you should take some consideration into how uncomfortable you are making the people around you.


New Member
TeaBag Express said:
I don;t think people should be able to breat feed on a plane. Just put some milk in a bottle for the plane ride. It isn;t that big a deal. If you really have to breast feed on the plane go into the bathroom.

I am not against breast feedingin public. But when you are in a very tight space like a plane seat you should take some consideration into how uncomfortable you are making the people around you.

Suck my left milky tit :smack:


professional daydreamer
TeaBag Express said:
I don;t think people should be able to breat feed on a plane. Just put some milk in a bottle for the plane ride. It isn;t that big a deal. If you really have to breast feed on the plane go into the bathroom.

I am not against breast feedingin public. But when you are in a very tight space like a plane seat you should take some consideration into how uncomfortable you are making the people around you.

do you eat your meals in the bathroom?


American Beauty
PREMO Member
TeaBag Express said:
I don;t think people should be able to breat feed on a plane. Just put some milk in a bottle for the plane ride. It isn;t that big a deal. If you really have to breast feed on the plane go into the bathroom.

I am not against breast feedingin public. But when you are in a very tight space like a plane seat you should take some consideration into how uncomfortable you are making the people around you.

You didn't read the article, did you.


New Member
TeaBag Express said:
I don;t think people should be able to breat feed on a plane. Just put some milk in a bottle for the plane ride. It isn;t that big a deal. If you really have to breast feed on the plane go into the bathroom.

I am not against breast feedingin public. But when you are in a very tight space like a plane seat you should take some consideration into how uncomfortable you are making the people around you.

Please dear God tell me this was some lame attempt to be funny....

My daughter NEVER had a bottle, we tried, she wouldn't take one, so she was EXCLUSIVELY breastfed.....You would have NEVER seen me feeding my kid in a restroom....

Making people uncomfortable? Are you for real? That is one of the most basic things in life, if breastfeeding makes someone uncomfortable than they either need to grow the eff up or just stop being such a pervert.

TeaBag Express

I wasn't trying to be funny. Like the article said the woman refused to use a blanket to cover up a little bit. Is that to much to ask?

The reason the flight attendant did this is because watching someone you don;t know breastfeed in public can make some people feel uncomfortable.

If some woman is at the mall doing this in the food court or at a bench somewhere that is fine.

There are just certain places were discretion should be used. For example I know I would like it if I was at the movies and some woman sat beside me and started breast feeding.

Believe it or not breast feeding can make people uncomfortable who are not perverts.


New Member
TeaBag Express said:
I wasn't trying to be funny. Like the article said the woman refused to use a blanket to cover up a little bit. Is that to much to ask?

The reason the flight attendant did this is because watching someone you don;t know breastfeed in public can make some people feel uncomfortable.

If some woman is at the mall doing this in the food court or at a bench somewhere that is fine.

There are just certain places were discretion should be used. For example I know I would like it if I was at the movies and some woman sat beside me and started breast feeding.

Believe it or not breast feeding can make people uncomfortable who are not perverts.

She shouldn't HAVE to cover up, would it have been polite of her to, yeah, but it should not be a requirement.....
What about breastfeeding makes you uncomfortable? Please enlighten me, I am not the least bit uncomfortable to see a breastfeeding mother ANYWHERE, It is a beautiful, natural thing.


professional daydreamer
TeaBag Express said:
Like the article said the woman refused to use a blanket to cover up a little bit.

What exactly, was she supposed to cover up?

Gillette said she was discreetly breast-feeding her 22-month-old daughter on Oct. 13 as their flight prepared to leave Burlington International Airport. She said she was seated by the window in the next-to-last row, her husband was seated between her and the aisle and no part of her breast was showing.