

ice cream lover
What was your most embarrassing moment on a date?
Mine was locking myself out of my car. :lmao: We had met at a resteraunt.


professional daydreamer
kelly1 said:
What was your most embarrassing moment on a date?
Mine was locking myself out of my car. :lmao: We had met at a resteraunt.

I thought it was going to be a kiss, but it wasn't really. :ohwell:
catching the back of my now husband's truck on fire and incinerating all the contents we were transporting to our new apartment together.


Salt Life
I don't have any embarassing moments. :ohwell:

I have heard of people getting sloppy drunk and pizzing on furniture, in the corner, on the floor, etc. :roflmao:


Well-Known Member
When we went on our first date, I was so nervous that I thought I had left the waiter two 50 dollar bills. We got up and left and when we were walking back to my car, the waiter came running after turned out I had only left him a 50 and a was embarrassed as hell!


24/7 Single Dad
Chasey_Lane said:
I have heard of people getting sloppy drunk and pizzing on furniture, in the corner, on the floor, etc. :roflmao:
That's only embarrassing if you remember it


Well-Known Member
Chasey_Lane said:
I don't have any embarassing moments. :ohwell:

I have heard of people getting sloppy drunk and pizzing on furniture, in the corner, on the floor, etc. :roflmao:

That would be like the first time I


All Up In Your Grill
This didn't happen to me, but it did happen to my brother...

He was at a party. He with a bunch of his friends, when he saw his now wife. They exchanged looks for a while, and he was trying to get the nerve up to go talk to her. With a little convincing, he finally built up the nerve. He walked over to her and introduced himself. She wouldn't make direct eye contact for a few moments, so he said "What's wrong, does my breath stink?" She said, "No, you have a bugger hanging from your nose." :killingme


Night I was supposed to meet now hubby's parents for the first time, we stopped and played a game of pool to kill time before hand. Long story short, I got pegged in the forhead with an 8 ball and met his parents with a big spunk knot. :lol:


Pea Brain
PREMO Member
nomoney said:
Night I was supposed to meet now hubby's parents for the first time, we stopped and played a game of pool to kill time before hand. Long story short, I got pegged in the forhead with an 8 ball and met his parents with a big spunk knot. :lol:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I reached for my wallet...

smoothmarine187 said:
When we went on our first date, I was so nervous that I thought I had left the waiter two 50 dollar bills. We got up and left and when we were walking back to my car, the waiter came running after turned out I had only left him a 50 and a was embarrassed as hell!

...and, no wallet.


Well-Known Member
I haven't had anything too terrible happen, but the night my boyfriend came over for our first date, we were just going to hang out and rent a we brought the movie home from the rental place, and my crappy DVD player wouldn't work. We ended up talking for most of the night. It turned out great in the end!