New Member
liberty, do you know if she has a doll stroller?? That was the BIGGEST hit with my daughter at that age. She LOVED to push stuff... my goodness, everything went into that stroller...
Don't get her something with too many 'parts' - they won't really grasp the concept of that stuff at that age. Simple is the way to go - a doll, a doll stroller (or something else they can push) or a 'tent' type thing - I don't know how much you want to spend, but you can get some neat little 'tents' (playhouses I guess they are called) for under $20 - they also have simple, toddler-oriented games like bowling with soft pins and a soft ball.
yes they have Yo Gabba Gabba toys... Target has some I know. But if that is her 'thing' then I'd bet that she is going to get toys like that from other people... I prefer to go the route of the sports/tent/activity stuff myself.
That's true if everyone knows she likes Yo Gabba Gabba the they may get her the a lot of that stuff. Plus, if it is just a phase she may get bored with the toys. There is a lot of other things out there like the suggestions on here from others that may hold her attention for years to come.
Our oldest daughter who is now 8 loved the shopping cart thing. She got one for either her 2nd or 3rd b-day I cannot quite remember. She also loved her little tent. We still have it and our now 13 mo. old plays in it all the time along with the tea set. She just drinks from the cups, bangs the plates together, etc. but she plays for a long time in it. It's funny when she crawls out of it though and doesn't pick her leg up and drags the tent with her...
I am sure whatever you pick out for her she will enjoy it. Good luck!