God bless the USA
Can we still make arranged marriages?
I like that idea. Pickles is one handsome little guy. He’s got the Elvis grin down pat! Adorable!
Can we still make arranged marriages?
View attachment 121449 It dosen’t get cuter than this! Yeah they are my grandchildren, but, seriously.
And, I understand this a mommie thread, but those two cuties wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for me. This should be a mommy/daddy/grandparents and beyond to all ancestors thread. God bless the children; considering the time we are living in.
OMGosh, look at that fart smile! LOL Too cute!
I wasn’t sure if his smile could be seen in the pic. I find it so wonderfully amazing that an 11 day old little being can smile. My heart is so full of joy when watching my grandtots.
I never really believed that they're fart smiles. I think we're wired to be happy, then we become aware.
You are so right. We can’t protect them forever. However, I love your sentiment. Brave new world, and all. Thanks for your replies regarding Emerson and Luke. And, give my best to Pickle; Emmy’s future hub.
We love our babies.
Yes, we do. Thanks for the convo. I have always thought highly of you. You are a good person because you went to a lot of trouble to bring your MIL to your house; not to mention you are a totally honest person. That says a lot. Take care.
Also, I followed you when you found religion. I don’t miss a thing. You are the best.
That's awful nice of you to say. Thank you. I'm not perfect, by any stretch of the imagination. MIL-just doing the right thing. We're already experiencing a little stress, but we knew we would. We have a few hurdles to get over before everyone settles into the new routine. I didn't find religion, I found God.