Moms, come in


New Member
I can check into that for you. If they don't, would you be interested in forming a Moms' Club of Lusby, MD? I can get someone from Moms' Club to help you to get it started.

No. I don't want to start one. We mainly go to the Parks & Recs stuff at the community center. We are taking a break for the Spring and Summer though. The classes fill up quickly and I NEED three spots in the same time frame and alot of times it just isn't available.


Sweet and Innocent
International MOMS Club: Chapter Links

There is one listed for Lusby but the link doesn't work.

They may be having problems with thier website or they are "banned" for now for some reason.

I didn't see my California chaper in the list. Probably they haven't gotten around to put it back up after being "banned" due to the board committee from 2005-2006 went over the Club's money budget. I was on the board committee from 2006 to 2007 and it was PITA to cleaned up the mess caused from the previous board. I was a Treasurer and I cleaned and fixed all the messes and got us back in good terms with the International Moms' Club. I was requested to run it again for 2007-2008 and I declined because I just had a baby and I was tired and needed a break.


Well-Known Member
Seriously, I'd like to see everything people mentioned here. I'm always up for reading advice columns, kids say the darnedest things, and a freecycle type thing. Or maybe add a clothing swap group. :yay:


New Member
Yeah I haven't gone back after I've had my kid. Being a first time prego it was nice to have the resource but it can be a bit much for people.

I've got 3 kids and a bit of experience as a mother but I am not down for all the negativity. I've got into SO many arguments over the stupidest things with some of these girls. :lol: